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Volume 8 Number Vol 8, No 2: FEBRUARY 2023

10 articles in this issue 

David Imamyartha,Eka Wahjuningsih,Areta Puspa,Mutiara Bilqis,Rizki Febri Andika Hudori

With the advent of technology, cultural diversities encouraged language teachers in higher education to push the current pedagogical boundaries to seek the best fits for cultural learning. This study engaged with the pursuit of such pedagogies by experime... see more

Pags. 67 - 74  

Izzah Muyassaroh,Nur Luthfi Rizqa Herianingtyas

This study aimed to enhance the elementary preservice teachers’ scientific literacy at Pelita Bangsa University by using flipped problem-based learning integrated with e-campus. This Classroom Action Research was done in three cycles and each cycle was co... see more

Pags. 75 - 85  

Muhammad Afifuddin Al Islami,Rahmania Sri Untari,Fitria Nur Hasanah,Dicka Y Kardono

This study aimed to determine (1) the contribution of E-Books to Informatics class X RPL subject to student achievement at SMK Antarctica 1 Sidoarjo (2) How significant is the contribution to student achievement in Informatics class X RPL at SMK Antarctic... see more

Pags. 86 - 91  

Muhammad Ilham A’raafi,Siti Zubaidah,Munzil Munzil,Azizul Ghofur Candra Wicaksono

This study aims to determine the Remap-TPS learning model assisted by the website and the MindMup application on students’ cognitive learning outcomes. This quasi-experimental study used a non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design. The... see more

Pags. 92 - 99  

Monika Lintang Laksmi,Baskoro Adi Prayitno,Meti Indrowati

The literature study discusses the relationship between explanatory ability and Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA) Task. The method used is a study of the literature related to explanatory ability and CLA Task, the literature studied from 2015 to 2022. ... see more

Pags. 100 - 106  

Ruri Nurul Aeni Wulandari,Brillian Rosy,Novi Trisnawati,Jaka Nugraha,Fitriana Rahmawati

This study aims to investigate how online learning self-efficacy, self-regulated learning, and achievement motivation affect students' academic performance in online courses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study participants were students from the Offic... see more

Pags. 107 - 114  

Achmad Buchori,Devita Rahmania,Sharifah Osman

The purpose of this research is to increase interest in learning for kindergarten children to recognize android-based flat shapes. This is an instructional game with both a learning and a gameplay menu. There are games on the play option such as Rememberi... see more

Pags. 115 - 122  

Areta Puspa

This present study monitors the EFL students’ emotions on extensive reading program across three genres, to be precise factual text and literary text. The data are collected from questionnaire, students’ diaries, and interviews to university students in I... see more

Pags. 123 - 127  

Dwi Gesti Jayanti,Zulkarnain Zulkarnain

This study aims to determine the implementation of Tik-Tok-based learning in the perspective of Pugung Raharjo's local history era 4.0. The research uses descriptive qualitative research methods with a case study approach. Data collection techniques with ... see more

Pags. 128 - 133  

Firdaus Aritonang,Iqbal Syahrul Akbar Al Aziz,Sarwiji Suwandi

The Indonesian government has launched the Merdeka Teaching Platform (PMM) application with various features that support learning activities in the independent curriculum. One of them is the student assessment feature. This study aims to determine the us... see more

Pags. 134 - 141