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Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) with O(1) lookup performance strive to minimize the maintenance traffic required for disseminating membership changes information (events). These events dissemination allows each node in the peertopeer network maintains accu... see more

Data centers are created as distributed information systems for massive data storage and processing. The structure of a data center determines the way that its inner servers, links and switches are interconnected. Several hierarchical structures have been... see more

The purpose of the study was to detect the effect of a psychological program supported by Macromedia Flash technology on some of psychological conditioning skills and the level of skills performance for table tennis players. Seven subjects comprised of 5 ... see more

This work presents the Generic Network Location Service based on the Chord implementation utilizing data structures called distributed hash tables (DHT) or structured overlay networks, which are used to build scalable self-managing distributed systems. Th... see more

Amalgamation of compression and security is indispensable in the field of multimedia applications. A novel approach to enhance security with compression is discussed in this  research paper. In secure arithmetic coder (SAC), security is provided by ... see more

One of the popular cryptographic algorithms is the Vigenère Cipher. This algorithm is included in classical cryptographic algorithms, so its capabilities are limited to text-type data. Through this research, this research try to modify the Vigenère Cipher... see more

ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan akun instagram Infia_Health dengan sikap followers. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah korelasional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah followers aktif yang pernah mengupload foto dengan... see more

Osteoporosis has become a public health problem risk factor worldwide and a deliberate disease that affects both women and men equally. The main objective of this study is to explore the socio-economic status of osteoporosis patients related to the occurr... see more

Incidencia del cáncer de tiroides en la consulta central de tiroides, últimos nueve años en Pinar del Río / Incidence of cancer in the thyroid gland. Its behaviour at central medical consultation during 1998-2007 Pinar del RioIncidencia del cáncer de tiroides en la consulta central de tiroides, últimos nueve años en Pinar del Río / Incidence of cancer in the thyroid gland. Its behaviour at central medical consultation during 1998-2007 Pinar del RioSe realizó un estudio observacional clínico de caso paciente, retrospectivo, descriptivo y de corte transversal, en un universo de 679 enfermos intervenidos quirúrgicamente por afecciones de la glándula tiroides en " Hospital León Cuervo Rubio" , para evaluar la frecuencia con que se presenta el cáncer de tiroides en la consulta central de tiroides de Pinar del Río. Durante los últimos nueve años, se seleccionó una muestra de 104 portadores de cáncer de tiroides diagnosticados por la biopsia por parafina en el departamento de Anatomía patológica del mismo Hospital, entre los años 1999 al 2007. Se procesaron variables cualitativas y cuantitativas como número de casos por año, variedad histológica y otras, y se representaron en tablas y gráficos, se determinó que el 15% del universo sufre de cáncer de tiroides. El carcinoma bien diferenciado fue la variedad histológica que predominó (96 %), en ocasiones se asociaban con otras enfermedades, predominando la tiroiditis de Hashimoto, el indiferenciado toma valores por encima de lo normal con el 3,8 %, se refiere un caso de carcinoma folicular el resto se representa por la variedad papilar, Palabras clave: Glándula tiroides, cáncer. ABSTRACT A clinical, retrospective, descriptive, cross-sectional case report study was carried out at "Leon Cuervo Rubio" General Hospital, taking a total of 679 patients who underwent a surgery of thyroid gland during the last 9 years. A sample of 104 patients who suffered from cancer of the thyroid was selected - being this corroborated by means of paraffin wax biopsies. These biopsies were performed at the Department of Anatomy in the institution during 1999-2007. Qualitative and quantitative variables and the figures of cases per year were processed, histological variety and other items were represented in tables and charts. 15% of the total of patients suffered from cancer of thyroid, histologically the differentiated carcinoma prevailed (96%), and sometimes it was associated with other diseases, mainly Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. The values of the undifferentiated carcinoma were over the normal (3, 8%), referring to a follicular one, the rest was represented for the papillary variety. Key words: Thyroid gland, cancer

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