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1 of 211.992 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»
Context. Existing fluid simulation methods have several disadvantages and can be improved with the help of new approaches tothe solution of problems of computational fluid dynamics, which confirms the relevance of the work.Objective. The goal of the work ... see more

Context. Existing fluid simulation methods have several disadvantages and can be improved with the help of new approaches tothe solution of problems of computational fluid dynamics, which confirms the relevance of the work.Objective. The goal of the work ... see more

The exhaustion of natural resources has increased petroleum prices and the environmental impact of oil has stimulated the search for an alternative source of energy such as biodiesel. Waste cooking oil is a potential replacement for vegetable oils in the ... see more

Context. This article is devoted to the linear problem of the steady and unsteady flows of a viscous incompressible fluid.Objective. The purpose of this paper is to compare the previously developed methods of numerical analysis of the steady and unst... see more

The object of research is the combinatorial method of minimizing conjunctive normal forms (CNF) of Boolean functions in order to reduce its algorithmic complexity. One of the most places to minimize CNF of Boolean functions is the complexity of the minimi... see more

This research aims to show how women’s bodies and their functions shape the role of women in dystopian society reflected in Blade Runner 2049. Cyborgfeminism theory by Donna Haraway and postgenderism theory by James Hughes and George Dvorsky with a qualit... see more

This research aims to show how women’s bodies and their functions shape the role of women in dystopian society reflected in Blade Runner 2049. Cyborgfeminism theory by Donna Haraway and postgenderism theory by James Hughes and George Dvorsky with a qualit... see more

Sistema de superación para los profesores de Premédico de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina /Upgrade system for Pre academicals professors of Latin American Medicine School Sistema de superación para los profesores de Premédico de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina /Upgrade system for Pre academicals professors of Latin American Medicine SchoolObjetivo: diseñar un sistema de superación que posibilite el mejoramiento del desempeño profesional de los profesores de Premédico de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina desde el departamento.Método: estudio exploratorio descriptivo desde septiembre de 2009 a julio de 2012, con una muestra intencional de 66 profesores de Premédico. Se analizaron los resultados de la encuesta socio-política aplicada, los resultados del documento de Identificación de Necesidades de Aprendizaje, actualizado y analizado, así como las evaluaciones profesorales de estos cursos. Se caracterizó al personal docente teniendo en cuenta indicadores para Título Universitario, Experiencia, Categoría docente y científica, Grado Científico y necesidades de superación. Los resultados se analizaron mediante estadígrafos descriptivos, combinados con los métodos teóricos.Resultados: se diseñó un sistema de superación caracterizado por los procesos de interdisciplinariedad e integración,así como el papel del profesor y el claustro mediante la autosuperación, la superación y el trabajo cooperado.Conclusiones: se constató el problema relacionado con la superación de los docentes de la dirección de Premédico, encaminada a una mayor competencia y mejor desempeño de sus funciones y se elaboró el sistema de superación, el cual se caracteriza por los procesos de interdisciplinariedad e integración que lo rigen, así como el papel del profesor y el grupo de colegas a través de la autosuperación, la superación y el trabajo cooperado.ABSTRACTObjective: to design an update system that allow the improvement of professional performance of professors from Pre Academical course of Latin American Medicine School from the department.Method: descripted exploratory study from September 2009 to July 2012, 66 professors from Pre Academicals course as intentional sample. The results of socio political questionnaire applied, the results of the Identification learning need document, updated and analyzed as well as the professional evaluation of these courses. Theacademicians were characterized taking into account the University Diploma, Experience and Academicals and scientific category, Scientific grade and upgrade necessities. The results were analyzed through thedescriptive statistical tools combined with theorica l methods.Results: a system of upgrade characterized by interdisciplinary and integration processes was designed as well as the role of professors and the academicals staff through the auto upgrade, upgrade and thecooperative work.Conclusion: the problem related to the academicians upgrade from Pre Academicals course was confirmed, this addresses to a major capability and a better performance of their functions and an upgrade system waselaborated, which is characterized by an interdisciplinary and integration process that managed as well as the professor´s role and the group of associates through auto upgrade, upgrade and the cooperative work. 

Método: estudio exploratorio descriptivo desde septiembre de 2009 a julio de 2012, con una muestra intencional de 66 profesores de Premédico. Se analizaron los resultados de la encuesta socio-política aplicada, los resultados del documento de Identificaci... see more

The implementation of the duties and functions of government institutions in the President's closest circle is an interesting thing to research. Its strategic position does not necessarily make its role carried out optimally. This can be seen from the fun... see more

1 of 211.992 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»