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42.961  Articles
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Nowadays, environmental issues belong to frequently discussed topics. Our article focuses on the implementation of environmental issues in teaching the subject of Technical education at primary schools in the Slovak Republic. Our research sample consisted... see more

Background: Schools, colleges, and universities are the foundations of a successful sports program of a nation. A well-planned, school sports program is important for the success of every athlete. The primary aim of the study was to evaluate the organizat... see more

The study examined the level of technostress of teachers in secondary schools in Malaysia. The COVID-19 pandemic altered human life patterns, and the Movement Control Order restricted most community activities. Prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, the Minis... see more

Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina, 18 años formando médicos para el mundo/ Latin American Medicine School, 18 years training physicians for the world Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina, 18 años formando médicos para el mundo/ Latin American Medicine School, 18 years training physicians for the worldObjetivo: exponer los resultados de trabajo de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina durante más de 18 años dedicados a la formación de recursos humanos en salud para el mundo.Materiales y Métodos: se realiza una valoración de los resultados alcanzados en la ELAM, basados en la experiencia de los autores, con el apoyo de entrevistas a trabajadores y el análisis documental.Resultados: la ELAM cuenta con más de 28 500 graduados de 105 países, quienes se desempeñan con eficiencia en cualquier parte del mundo, haciendo realidad el sueño del máximo líder de la Revolución cubana. El reto de los participantes en su formación, ha sido lograr en ellos, un alto nivel científico técnico con profundos valores éticos y de solidarios.Conclusiones: en la ELAM los procesos de formación, investigación y extensión realizados desde sus inicios, han sido los pilares que proyectan su visión de futuro, trazándose estrategias que involucran a todos sus gestores y actores, con propósitos tan nobles a favor de la salud del ser humano como centro de atención. La universidad constituye una expresión palpable de internacionalismo, humanidad y solidaridad entre los pueblos y comunidades excluidas, es unsímbolo de lo que puede lograr una nación capaz de compartir sus pocos recursos, en aras de lograr un mundo mejor.Sus egresados son su testimonio.ABSTRACTObjective: to show the Latin American Medicine School work results during more than 18 years dedicated to training human resources on health for the world.Materials and Methods: an evaluation of reached results is analyzed in ELAM, based on authors´ experience withthe support of workers´ interviews and the documental analysis.Results: the ELAM scores with more than 28.500 graduated from 105 countries, who are performing with efficiency in any part of the world, becoming a reality the dream of the maxim leader of the Cuban Revolution. The challenge of the participants in their training has been to get in them a high technical scientific level with deep ethical and solidaritiesvalours.Conclusions: the formation, investigation and extension process in ELAM developed from its beginning have been the bases that project its vision of future, making strategies that enrolled all managers and actors with purposes so noble to favor of human health as a point of attention. The university constitutes a palpable expression of internationalism, humanism and solidarity among peoples and excluded communities, it is a symbol of one nation that is able to share its few resources with the objective to get a rather world. Its issues are its testimony. 

Materiales y Métodos: se realiza una valoración de los resultados alcanzados en la ELAM, basados en la experiencia de los autores, con el apoyo de entrevistas a trabajadores y el análisis documental.Resultados: la ELAM cuenta con más de 28 500 graduados d... see more

Because Arabic video game localization is a relatively new area of study, little in-depth research has been done on the topic within Arabic translation studies. The few articles that address video game localization in Arabic remain limited, either due to ... see more

Background: In this paper, we reviewed development in the field of technical demography and empirically demonstrate that there has been a decline in the proportion of technical demographic studies published in the last two decades.Methods: All original ar... see more

This paper discusses the major issues that impinge on the widespread adoption of remote controlled laboratories in science and engineering education. This discussion largely emerges from the work of the PEARL1 project and is illustrated with examples and... see more

1 of 4.297 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»