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South Africa


9  Articles
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Abstract: For learners of Northern Sotho as a second or even foreign language, the copulative system is probably the most complicated grammatical system to master. The encoding needs of such learners, i.e. to find enough information in dictionaries in ord... see more

Abstract: For learners of Northern Sotho as a second or even foreign language, the copulative system is probably the most complicated grammatical system to master. The encoding needs of such learners, i.e. to find enough information in dictionaries in ord... see more

AbstractSouthern Ndebele is the language with the smallest number of speakers of all eleven official languages of South Africa. It is thus not surprising that there is no comprehensive description of the copulatives of this language. This article offers a... see more

Dans cet article, nous montrons que l’espagnol, à la différence du français, a deux verbes - copules, ser et estar, qui constituent avec l’attribut le nucléus dissocié du prédicat des constructions copulatives. Après une étude contrastive, nous proposons,... see more

Electronic dictionaries should support dictionary users by giving them guidance in text production and text reception, alongside a user-definable offer of lexicographic data for cognitive purposes. In this article, we sketch the principles of an interacti... see more

Negation in Sepedi is a complex matter — a variety of negative morphemes are used across complicated verbal and copulative structures and these morphemes are not interchangeable. Dictionary users in a text production situation need to be guided to the cor... see more

Electronic dictionaries should support dictionary users by giving them guidance in text production and text reception, alongside a user-definable offer of lexicographic data for cognitive purposes. In this article, we sketch the principles of an interacti... see more

Répétition et non-répétition du pronom   sujet dans  la coordination en français  moderne.  Coordinations copulatives dans le Thésée de Gide. Juxtaposition.  Ellipse du sujet et de 1'auxiliaire. Propositions affirmatives et &... see more

This article analyzes the structures of «ésser» + participle in old Catalan. It highlights the diversity of constructions that may constitute this hind of construction (compound tenses, copulatives and passives). It analyzes the methodological problems de... see more

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