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Actividades prácticas para perfeccionar la expresión oral de inglés en los estudiantes de Medicina / Practical activities to improve oral expression in English in medical students Actividades prácticas para perfeccionar la expresión oral de inglés en los estudiantes de Medicina / Practical activities to improve oral expression in English in medical studentsObjetivo: evaluar la efectividad del sistema de actividades prácticas para perfeccionar la expresión oral en inglés en los estudiantes de segundo año de la carrera de Medicina.Métodos: en el desarrollo de la investigación se utilizaron métodos teóricos, empíricos y estadísticos los cuales permitieron caracterizar el objeto de estudio de la investigación y determinar los presupuestos teóricos. Se realizó un estudio experimental, con vistas de evaluar la efectividad del sistema de actividades prácticas para perfeccionar la expresión oral en inglés en los estudiantes de segundo año de la carrera de Medicina, durante el curso escolar 2016-2017.Resultados: se evidenció que, con respecto a las evaluaciones realizadas en los trabajos parciales, en los integrantes del Bloque I prevaleció la calificación de 5 puntos (46,42%); mientras que en los del Bloque II solo 12 (18,75%) obtuvieron dicha puntuación y hubo un mayor porcentaje de estudiantes con 2, 3 y 4 puntos.Conclusiones: la efectividad de la aplicación del sistema actividades prácticas para perfeccionar la expresión oral en inglés a los estudiantes del segundo año de la carrera de Medicina de la Facultad No. 2 confirma que los resultados obtenidos han sido satisfactorios. En la aplicación de los ejercicios se evidenció mayor independencia, entrenamiento y se mostraron más creativos mejorando ostensiblemente su expresión oral en las clases.Palabras clave: expresión oral; comunicación; actividades.ABSTRACTObjective: to evaluate the effectiveness of the system of practical activities to improve the oral expression in English in the second year students of the Medicine career.Methods: in the development of the research theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were used which allowed to characterize the object of study of the investigation and determine the theoretical assumptions.An experimental study was carried out, with a view to evaluating the effectiveness of the system of practical activities to improve oral expression in English in the second year students of Medicine, during the 2016-2017 school year.Results: it was evidenced that, with respect to the evaluations made in the partial works, in the members of Block I, the 5 point rating (46.42%) prevailed; while in those of Block II only 12 (18.75%) obtained this score and there was a higher percentage of students with 2, 3 and 4 points.Conclusions: the effectiveness of the application of the system of practical activities to improve the oral expression in English to the students of the second year of the Medicine career of the Faculty No. 2 confirms that the results obtained have been satisfactory. In the application of the exercises, they showed greater independence, training and were more creative, significantly improving their oral expression in the classes.Keywords: oral expression; communication; activities.

Métodos: en el desarrollo de la investigación se utilizaron métodos teóricos, empíricos y estadísticos los cuales permitieron caracterizar el objeto de estudio de la investigación y determinar los presupuestos teóricos. Se realizó un estudio experimental,... see more

Modern phonological theory is confronted with a wealth of new data from many different sources. This paper gives a summary and taxonomy of the kinds of evidence we currently have at our disposal. For each type it briefly discusses how it has been used, an... see more

Experimental evidence on embedded implicatures by Chemla (2009b) and Geurts & Pouscoulous (2009a) has fewer theoretical consequences than assumed: On the one hand, the evidence successfully argues against obligatory local implicature computation, whic... see more

Recently, a number of theorists (MacFarlane (2003, 2011), Egan, Hawthorne & Weatherson (2005), Egan (2007), Stephenson (2007a,b)) have argued that an adequate semantics and pragmatics for epistemic modals calls for some technical notion of relativist ... see more

Recently, a number of theorists (MacFarlane (2003, 2011), Egan, Hawthorne & Weatherson (2005), Egan (2007), Stephenson (2007a,b)) have argued that an adequate semantics and pragmatics for epistemic modals calls for some technical notion of relativist ... see more

Learning via teaching has been accepted as one of the best ways to achieve a deep understanding of a topic. This research was aimed at seeking scientific evidence to support this claim by comparing the scores the university-level EFL students obtained thr... see more

Topicality. Insufficient light in the world scientific literature the problem of changing the regulatory mechanisms of the immune response depending on age. Little-studied molecular events and cellular interactions underlying the mechanisms of immunoreact... see more

Activation of free radical oxidation is one of the key elements of the diabetes mellitus pathogenesis that leads to structural and functional disruption of membranes. Oxidative stress and imbalance between its intensity and the antioxidant system conditio... see more

Study have been carried out on white Wistar line rats (age – 3 months, weight – 180-220 g). According to the tasks the animals were divided into 7 groups: 1st group is intact (n = 20). 2nd group is rats, which were modeled osteoarthritis without further c... see more

1 of 7.335 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»