Home  /  Acta Scientiae  /  Vol: 20 Núm: 6 Par: 0 (2018)  /  Article

The History behind the Constructs of Dialectic Instrument Object and the Set of Frames


The purpose of this article is to reconstruct the historical journeys that led to the writing of the Doctoral Thesis of Regine Douady, in order to capture the investigative process that runs through his work, as well as highlighting the “style” of the “educational practices” of the author. The research work that gives rise to his Thesis was carried out for more than a decade, defining advanced  questions  for  the  period  of  the  history  of  teaching  mathematics  from  1970  to  1984, placing Regine in the center of the School French of the Mathematics Didactics. The method of work  is  framed  in  the  historiographical  method. This  paper  intends  to  bring  to  light  the  details of this work, both by the method used in its research, as well as by the time extension of it, in addition to making known the history according to which originate the constructs game of frames and instrument-object dialectic.

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