Preliminary Studies on Dairy Cows’ Welfare in Relation to Nutritional Quality of Milk Obtained in Brasov, Mures, Satu Mare Shelters


Quality and quantity of milk production is influenced not only by genetic factors but also by many environmental factors that influence particular mining technology, natural climate and microclimate shelters plus upstream factors: diet with the decisive role of milk, administration of appropriate amounts of water specified in dairy cows. Parameters follow the chain consisted of milk: evaluation of abiotic parameters in shelters, where: the temperature varies between 15-190 CM shelter, 14-17oC 14-180C MA and DR, 14-190C S Reghin shelter, where grazing cows receiving and slightly higher in shelters with permanent shelters housed linked MS 18-200C P1, P2, MS 19-220C, humidity between 68 and 79% in shelters from Sercaia, Reghin and 75-80% and 74-78% shelters P1 and P2 MS, poor brightness during milking sheds: M 230 Lx, MA 210 Lx and DR 250 Lx Lx and appropriate very close to optimal (500 Lx) shelters: S Reghin 470 Lx, P1 and 2 MS 490 lx. Chemistry values shows the presence of CO2 concentrations between 0.1-0.2% in shelters from Sercaia: M-0.1% CO2, 0.2% MA 0.15% CO2 and CO2-DR and 0.45-0.38% in P1 and P2 MS shelters. NH3 trace is found in shelters in 0010 Sercaia and quantity of that 0012 mg/l for P1 and P2 shelters. In terms of nutritional quality of milk fat and protein percentage points values: 3.02±0.66, 3.23±0.07% protein and fat, shelter M, 3.84±0.80% and 3.39±0.16 protein DR shelter, 3.86±1.10% and 3.52±0.14 protein shelter Ma, 4.15±0.52% and 3.41±0.14 S protein shelter Reghin 4.28±1.04% and 3.40±0.14 protein, shelter P1 MS 4.25±0.95% and 3.36±0.14 P2 protein shelter MS.

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