Corte portuguesa e monarquia no Brasil. Obstáculos da centralização do estado e estratégias da advocacia provisionada / Portuguese court and monarchy in Brazil. Obstacles from the centralization of the state and strategies by non-graduate lawyers


DOI: 10.1590/2179-8966/2020/52671 ResumoO principal objetivo deste trabalho consiste na investigação do significado da advocaciaprovisionada no Brasil durante o primeiro quartel do século XIX. Esta investigação levaráem conta os modos e mecanismos pelos quais os advogados provisionados serelacionavam entre si, se situavam nas relações ora com Estado ora com a sociedade e secolocavam na mediação entre um e outro. Procurando identificar obstáculos e estratégiasno exercício da advocacia, o conjunto destas relações será pesquisado com base na fontedocumental denominada “Pedidos de Licença Para Advogar”. Esta fonte documentalajudará também a descrever o modo como os advogados provisionados se viam, eramvistos e se constituíam como agentes da burocracia estatal.Palavras-chave: Monarquia brasileira; Centralização político-administrativa; Advogadosprovisionados.AbstractThe main objective of this work is to investigate the meaning of the practice of nongraduatelawyers in Brazil during the first quarter of the 19th century. This investigationwill take into account the ways and mechanisms by which non-graduate lawyers relatedto each other, were situated in relations with the State or with the Society and putthemselves in mediation between one and the other. Seeking to identify obstacles andstrategies in the work of non-graduate lawyers, the set of these relationships will beresearched based on the documentary source called “Applications for permission to be alawyer”. This documentary source will also help describe how non-graduate lawyersviewed themselves, were seen and constituted themselves as agents of the statebureaucracy.Keywords: Brazilian monarchy; Political-administrative centralization; Non-graduatelawyers.

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