“I can’t search on Google for answers”: validity evidence of a developed computer-based assessment application DOI : 10.23971/jefl.v13i1.4496 | Views : 176 times


While learning management systems have been increasingly used as innovative ways to teach students in the post-COVID-19 pandemic, academic dishonesty is still in crisis. The open-access facility has the potential intervention in academic dishonesty. This study reported validity evidence of a developed computer-based assessment application to combat academic dishonesty: 1) measuring the development of high-order-thinking-skill (HOTS) test items; 2) examining the test item's validity integrated into the application; and 3) reporting the program analysis of the anti-cheating application for English for Specific Purposes (ESP) class assessment. This mixed-method study used focus group discussion and reading tests to collect the data. Pearson product-moment and black box analysis were used to measure test-item validity and application. The quantitative result revealed that test items were developed according to authentic journal texts and HOTS question characteristics and were statistically proven valid and reliable. Simplifying the authentic text empirically enabled EFL students to have an easier ESP reading comprehension complexity level. The black box analysis showed that the auto-lock screen feature prevented suspicious cheating access. This study contributed to extending practical and theoretical research on technology-enhanced language learning (TELL) by providing an innovative anti-cheating technology application.

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Recurso didáctico para la enseñanza de la asignatura Microbiología y Parasitología Médicas / Didactic resource for teaching microbiology and medical parasitology Recurso didáctico para la enseñanza de la asignatura Microbiología y Parasitología Médicas / Didactic resource for teaching microbiology and medical parasitologyObjetivo: contribuir al perfeccionamiento de los medios de enseñanza en la asignatura Microbiología y Parasitología Médicas mediante la realización de un video sobre los requisitos, orientaciones y métodos para la obtención de muestras para estudio microbiológico.Materiales y Métodos: se utilizaron buscadores de Google Avanzado e Infomed. Se analizó el programa de la carrera de Medicina y los aspectos esenciales sobre la temática. Se confeccionó un guión desglosado en imágenes, tiempo de visualización de cada una y el tipo de sonido a grabar. La información se recopiló, organizó y digitalizó. Se filmó con una cámara Sony de Video HD. El video se editó con el programa Sony Vega versión 12, para la edición de la voz del profesor se usó el programa informático Adobe Audition CC 2015 y para las fotos fijas el programa Photoshop 2015.Resultados: se realizó un video con la estructura metodológica de una conferencia de 25 minutos de duración. Se abordaron los contenidos relacionados con los requisitos, orientaciones y procedimientos utilizados para la recolección de 13 muestras clínicas (orina, heces, esputo, líquido cefalorraquídeo, sangre, lesiones de piel, exudado nasofaríngeo, exudado ótico, exudado conjuntival, secreción vaginal, secreción endocervical y secreción uretral), todas con fines diagnósticos por los laboratorios de Microbiología y Parasitología Médicas.Conclusiones: este video tiene fines didácticos referentes a varias muestras para estudio microbiológico, facilita su comprensión y estudio por estudiantes de las Ciencias Médicas en general y en particular por aquellos que cursan la asignatura Microbiología y Parasitología Médicas, profesores, profesionales y técnicos del área clínica. Palabras clave: medios de enseñanza; video clases; productos biológicos.ABSTRACTObjective: to contribute to the improvement of the teaching means in the subject Microbiology and Medical Parasitology by making a video about the requirements, guidelines and methods for obtaining samples for microbiological study.Materials and Methods: For the literature review, Google Advanced and Infomed search engines were used. The program of the medical career and essential aspects on the subject were analyzed. A script was broken down into images, display time of each one and the type of sound to be recorded. The information was collected, organized and digitized. It was filmed with a Sony HD Video camera. The video was edited with the Sony Vega version 12 program, the Adobe Audition CC 2015 software was used for editing the teacher’s voice and the Photoshop 2015 program was used for still photos. Results: a video was made with the methodological structure of a 25-minute conference. Content related to the requirements, guidelines and procedures used for the collection of 13 clinical samples (urine, feces, sputum, cerebrospinal fluid, blood, skin lesions, nasopharyngeal exudate, otic exudate, conjunctival exudate, vaginal secretion, endocervical secretion and urethral secretion), all for diagnostic purposes by the Medical Microbiology and Parasitology laboratories.Conclusions: this video has didactic purposes referring to several samples for microbiological study, facilitates its understanding and study by students of medical sciences in general and in particular by those who study the subject Microbiology and Medical Parasitology, professors, professionals and technicians of the clinical area.Keywords: teaching means; video classes; biological products

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