15 articles in this issue
Fauzan As Habi,Wahyudin Wahyudin,Muhammad Hafidh Kurniawan
Sebagai salah satu jenis UKM dibidang kuliner, Thai Tea Azka dihadapkan dengan berbagai persoalan optimalisasi manajemen sumber daya. Dalam persoalan penugasan karyawan Thai Tea Azka mengalami kendala dalam penempatan tiap karyawan karena belum memiliki j... see more
Rionaldo Nainggolan,Wahyudin Wahyudin
The problems are happening at PT. XYZ regarding the work system. A good work system is a work system that has high efficiency and productivity values. So the role of industrial management is absolutely necessary in terms of designing a new system that can... see more
Naufal Azhar Al'Afif,Iwan Nugraha Gusniar,Aa Santoso
A spinner machine is an oil draining machine that works based on centrifugal force, this tool is equipped with appropriate technology that can reduce the oil content contained in food. The machine can drain cooking oil on food products more easily, quickl... see more
Febriani Sahfira,Winarno Winarno
UMKM Roti Mang Odoy yang bertempat di Jakarta Timur tepatnya Gg. Langgar, merupakan usaha yang memproduksi roti anget. Setiap harinya mampu memproduksi 800 buah roti anget dengan berbagai isian rasa yaitu coklat, strawberry, blueberry, keju, dan kacang hi... see more
Naufal Rafi Muslim,Oleh Oleh
In the development of the times, the industry in Indonesia began to experience rapid development. PT. Masbi Sukses is one of the industrial companies that produces a component in the form of components from four-wheeled and two-wheeled vehicles. Cross tub... see more
I Wayan Arsa Suteja,made adi surya antara,I Gede Eka Wiantara Putra,Ida Bagus Putu Widja
Sistem pengukuran beban listrik adalah peralatan yang dirancang untuk mengukur dan memonitoring pemakaian listrik. Proses pembacaan arus listrik menggunakan sebuah sensor arus, tegangan, daya, dan energi model PZEM-004T yang dihubungkan dengan beban pemak... see more
Hardiana Hardiana,Akramunisa Akramunisa
The Palopo Religious Court is one of the agencies located in the city of Palopo that is of a special judicial nature, which is authorized in certain types of islamic civil cases, only for people who are Muslims. The Palopo Religious Court, which is based ... see more
Ayu Yuliandesi,Mariza Devega
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan merancang dan membangun sebuah alternatif publisitas berbentuk promosi media berbasis Augmented Reality di Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Lancang Kuning sehingga dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi para calon mahasis... see more
Zuhrahfi Harahap,Mariza Devega
SMAN 12 Pekanbaru merupakan salah satu sekolah menengah di kota Pekanbaru yang saat ini telah memiliki 2 jurusan yaitu IPA dan IPS. Penjurusan siswa ini dapat mengarahkan peserta didik agar lebih focus dalam mengembangkan kemampuan diri dan minat ya... see more
Muh. Putra Pratama,Muh. Khaliq Gibran Al-gifari,Ervianti Ervianti,Anna Pertiwi
The large number of PDAM Makassar City customers who use drinking water services makes each month have to pay a number of water bills that are the customer's obligation. However, sometimes customers neglect the amount of the bill fee, which will result in... see more
Ervianti Ervianti,Muh Putra Pratama,Nurhikmah H, Nurhikmah H,,Rosihan Aminuddin
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using Photoshop tutorial on student learning outcomes in the subject of class XI Design at SMK Negeri 1 Pallangga, Gowa Regency. The approach used in this study is a quantitative approach, with the ... see more
Irwan Syarif,Rosihan Aminuddin,Asnefi Kamza,Muh. Rais,Muhammad Aediel Bawazier Harmain
Selama ini dalam penggunaan alat yang digunakan belum diketahui mesin drill rig mana yang betul-betul cocok untuk lokasi yang digunakan karena sampai saat ini beberapa operator memanfaatkan penggunaan mesin hanya sebatas mesin tertentu saja atau one tim o... see more
Sandi Rais,Bambang Bambang,Kifli Umar,Witono Hardi,Ari Setia Pratama
Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan pengujian portable solar panel dengan sudut kemiringan hasil rancangan yang dilakukan oleh peneliti terdahulu. Penelitian dilakukan dalam beberapa tahapan antara lain, pengukuran kapasitas arus yang di hasilkan oleh dua ... see more
Sandi Rais
This research aims to review the sea water purification technology, which no longer functions as a source of clean water for the people of Hiri Island. Identifying clean water problems and the need for clean water for the people on Hiri Island was analyzi... see more
Gocal Pauwa,Bambang Bambang,Sandi Rais,Amat Umron,Syamsul Bahri LM
Research on the design of an anchovy filter machine was carried out with the aim of designing a fish-size ring machine using a capacity dynamo and a dimmer as a regulator of movement speed and fish. The design is made with specifications for the size of i... see more