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Volume 5 Number 2 Year 2021

15 articles in this issue 

Syarifuddin Baco,Rosmiati Rosmiati,Muh Irzan Maulana

Skin Care Clinic & Laser Therapy located at Jl. Ali Malaka No.15, Maloku, Kec. Makassar, Makassar City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, in addition to serving skin care consultations also performs a series of diagnoses of symptoms on the skin but limited i... see more

Pags. 98 - 104  

Febriana Angelia Purba,Muhammad Ridwan,Sukanta Sukanta

Two-wheeled motorcycles have recently been in great demand, apart from being affordable, these vehicles have more functions than two-wheeled vehicles in general. The role of fast motorbikes is to replace pedal bicycles because generally these vehicles can... see more

Pags. 105 - 112  

Gugum Gumelar,Rizki Achmad Darajatun

In the current era of globalization, the industrial world is developing very rapidly both the service industry and the product industry in this case time is very important especially for service providers, so the company must be able to maintain its exist... see more

Pags. 113 - 117  

Andreyansen Rivaldo,Iwan Nugraha Gusniar,Aa Santosa,Jojo Sumarjo

Increasing productivity is very important for companies to get success in their buisness processes.There is one example of increasing productivity is to increase production productivity in a company. PT. XYZ has 13 Tonnage Injection Molding machines that ... see more

Pags. 118 - 125  

Muhammad Bayu Aliffiyah,Irma Salamah,Mohammad Fadhli

It is undeniable that wireless communication technology is developing very rapidly, especially in an emergency. For example in the laboratory. The laboratory is a place to carry out practical or research activities that are supported by complete laborator... see more

Pags. 126 - 133  

Arif Dzaky Abbari,Iwan Nugraha Gusniar,Reza Setiawan

One of the causes of traffic accidents is the vehicle factor caused by the brake system that is not functioning properly. Brakes are a very important component in a vehicle, its function is to reduce the kinetic energy of the vehicle where the safety of t... see more

Pags. 134 - 140  

M Kelvin Difa,Suroso Suroso,Jon Endri

Facial recognition system is a system developed by many technology companies. Face recognition has become a system that is widely used for various purposes such as the development of security systems, identification of identities, as well as processing of... see more

Pags. 141 - 145  

Nabila Rizqia Novianda,Sopian Soim,Lindawati Lindawati

Indonesia is a country with a population of 270.20 million people recorded at the Central Statistics Agency in September 2020. Based on the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) reported, the United Nations (UN) body, the number of world internet us... see more

Pags. 146 - 156  

Rosmiati Rosmiati,Muhammad Iqbal Isnur,Baharudin Baharudin

Attendance is a mandatory requirement for employee attendance. There are still many who use the manual system. Of course it is not efficient, so an attendance attendance system is needed that can run to facilitate attendance tasks and activities. Attendan... see more

Pags. 157 - 162  

Fadhli Rahman,Andi Haslinah,M. Paisal Illang,Aslan Aslan

Most of the drying process in Indonesia still relies on the direct drying method in the sun, the method is simple depending on weather conditions, requires large land and takes 3 to 4 days dry. So that artificial dryers began to be used, but only large fa... see more

Pags. 163 - 167  

Andi Haslindah,Ahmad Hanafie

Manpower management includes the activities of determining the need for manpower both in terms of quality and quantity, finding sources of manpower effectively and efficiently. The second is labor maintenance which includes economic and non-economic progr... see more

Pags. 168 - 171  

Ahmad Hanafie,Andi Haslindah,Andrie Andrie,Andi Haslinah

Work postures that are less than ideal will pose a risk that can be caused by injury or body disorders that cause fatigue that arises very quickly. Complaints that arise due to work facilities that are not ideal so that they are not ergonomic have an impa... see more

Pags. 172 - 177  

Mochammad Apriyadi Hadi Sirad,Miftah Muhammad,Ali H Baharuddin

Theft of electricity is an activity that harms the country where PLN as a party that distributes electricity has unconsciously lost its main commodity without any reciprocity in the form of payments. To steal electricity is not as difficult as imagined by... see more

Pags. 178 - 183  

Irwan Syarif,Rosihan Aminuddin,Muh. Rais,Irayanti Irayanti

Penggunaan panel surya yang terpasang kebanyakan masih bersifat statis sehingga menyebabkan energi matahari yang diterima kurang optimal. Untuk memaksimalkan penyerapan energi cahaya matahari dalam pembentukan sudut tegak lurus antara panel surya dengan a... see more

Pags. 184 - 190  

Bambang Tjiroso,Lita Asyriati Latif

Pollution of plastic waste to the environment is a big obstacle because plastic waste is difficult to recycle directly. Waste management should implement processes, such as reduce, reuse, recycle and replace potentially waste items into Recycle (Replace) ... see more

Pags. 191 - 194