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Volume 9 Number 2 Year 2018

10 articles in this issue 

Irnin Agustina Dwi Astuti,Santy Handayani

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan nilai konstanta Wien dengan menggunakan virtual laboratory yaitu PhET Simulation. PhET merupakan rangkaian simulasi interaktif yang sangat menguntungkan dalam pengintegrasian teknologi komputer ke dalam pembelajar... see more


Diah Nugraheni

This research aims to train students in designing projects to create products related to the concept of heat dan transfer material. This research is a classroom action research conducted systematically as an effort to improve the implementation of learnin... see more


Musriyah Musriyah

This research is motivated by the reality at Adiwerna Tegal 1 State Vocational School, that the results of learning the magnetic field class X TAV 3 have not achieved the expected results. The first daily test results were still low, still below the ideal... see more


Herman Jufri Andi,Chariratul Umamah

This study aims to identify how the influence of cooperative Group Investigation (GI) with scaffolding models for students physics concept ability. This research is a quasi-experimental study. The sample in this study was carried out by cluster random sam... see more


Khilman Najib

This study aims to review the original knowledge of the community in the process of making the tile into scientific knowledge which is used as an additional teaching materials of Integrated Science lessons. The data were collected in Papringan Village, Ka... see more


Yohanes Eko Nugroho

Secara empiris,  pembelajaran inkontekstual selama ini telah melahirkan generasi teoritis. Faktanya, siswa dapat menggunakan peralatan elektronika, tetapi jika ditanya “Bagaimana  listrik dihasilkan?” Jawab mereka “tidak tahu.” Padahal mereka ba... see more


Sri Indihartati

The background of this reseacrh is that almost all the senior High shool student tuhnk that Physics is difficult subject, so the students don’t enjoy theaching leraning procesi in class. To solve the problem, the writer aplied “ Jelajah Alam Sekitar” meth... see more


Nur Khoiri,Ani Rusilawati,Wiyanto Wiyanto,Sulhadi Sulhadi

Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui dampak penggunaan alat peraga gerak parabola terhadap pemahaman konsep gerak parabola, penelitian dilakukan secara kuasi eksperiment pada kelas  XI, di hasilkan kesimpulan bahwa  penggunaan alat peraga... see more


Chusnul Fauziah,Duwi Nuvitalia,Ernawati Saptaningrum

The phenomenon of students receiving learning materials from teachers using only lecture methods to make students less creative in thinking, learning and developing self-ability. So designed a study that can improve students' creative thinking ability. Th... see more


Joko Siswanto

This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of physics learning with the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) approach to improve student creativity. The research design used was a pre-experiment of one group pre-test and post-test, c... see more