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Volume 11 Number Volume 11 Year 2011

80 articles in this issue 

Elie Assis

This article argues that the first eight oracles in Zechariah 8:2–19 are based on the ideas and vocabulary of Jeremiah 30–33, while the last two oracles, vv 20–23, have no parallel in Jeremiah, but correspond to oracles of the anonymous prophet in Isaiah ... see more


Brian R. Doak

In this essay, I argue that the narratives in Judges 9, 11, and 18 should be read as examples of “parasocial” leadership in the Iron Age Levant. Specific characters such as Abimelek and Jephthah are parasocial leaders whose existence fits within known cat... see more


Martha E. Campos

This article argues that meaning in Amos’s third vision is encoded in its structure and poetics. The dynamic of a chiasm in vv 11c–17 simulates the vision’s object and metaphor: the tin wall. Built on... see more


Veronika Bachmann

The Book of the Watchers (BW) is generally considered a non-Mosaic if not an anti-Mosaic writing. In more recent research, discussions on the meaning of such labels are ever so prevalent. Nevertheless... see more


Moshe Garsiel

This article examines various descriptions of David and his warriors. Whereas the early pro-monarchic author of David’s story glorifies his military activity, the later anti-monarchic author of Samuel diminishes the admiration by revealing that Abishai sa... see more


Tova Ganzel

Using a linguistic-topical examination, this article suggests that Joel’s prophecies reflect the historical reality in the land of Israel immediately following Cyrus’ Declaration (538 BCE); namely, the early days of the restoration period, preceding the b... see more


Amos Frisch

Comparison with David is a literary device employed throughout the book of Kings as a way to assess the kings whose deeds are recounted in the book (both kings of Judah and at least Jehu of Israel). Explicit comparisons to David are linked to literary all... see more


Alexander Andrason

A concise, non-reductionist and non-taxonomist synchronically valid definition of the Biblical Hebrew wayyiqtol is based on findings of evolutionary linguistics and panchronic methodology. The author demonstrates the following: all semantic and functional... see more


Ellen van Wolde, Robert Rezetko

hould be construed as to spatially separate remains a viable explanation for the semantics of this verb.


Robert E. Wallace

As the reader encounters Book III of the Psalter, the disorientation of exile challenges the psalmists’ attempts to find hope in traditional elements of faith. Within a canonical context of exile, the hymns of celebration found in Pss 84–89 become ironic ... see more


Hava Shalom-Guy

Comparison of the Gideon (Judg 6:11–24) and Moses (Exod 3:1–15) call narratives raises the question of whether they are different manifestations of the same literary convention—a biblical “type-scene” of appointment and investiture—or display literary dep... see more


Israel Finkelstein, Ido Koch, Oded Lipschits

Following Knauf's suggestion (2000), the article raises the possibility that in most periods in the second and first millennia BCE the main built-up area of Jerusalem was limited to a mound on the Temple Mount. This mound, which may have covered an area o... see more


Talia Sutskover

in the text. A literary analysis shows that repetitions of terms from the semantic fields of kinship and sexual intercourse provide special emphasis to the theme of a sexual act occurring between fath... see more


Robert D. Holmstedt

, the Object can precede or follow both the Subject and the Verb, and adverbs and prepositional phrases can be thrown into a variety of positions. To the reader word order often seems to be random, but grammarians have long agreed that it is not random or... see more


Jeffrey Stackert

Among scholars who study the composition of the Torah, there is greater agreement in the identification of the Priestly (P) source than of any other Torah source or set of texts. Yet amidst such consensus in its broad identification, considerable disagree... see more