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Volume 15 Number Volume 15 Year 2015

31 articles in this issue 

Paul Korchin

This study investigates front dislocation in Biblical Hebrew from a cognitive–semiotic perspective, employing evidence from Structure Building Framework theory to explain how the syntagm's formal components trigger psychological dynamics that yield rhetor... see more


Aron Pinker

This article offers a new interpretation Job 19:26, a passage which is arguably one of the most difficult and obscure in the book. The article surveys earlier interpretations, including the various versions of the text as well as medieval and modern comme... see more


Gary N. Knoppers

This essay explores how Ezra–Nehemiah partially inverts the traditional paradigm of exile found in other biblical writings. When one community is formed at some distance from another in antiquity, the derivative community normally appears as a dependent c... see more


Yitzhaq Feder

This article examines the relationship between disease, pollution and sin in the Priestly writings, focusing on the rites for the purification of ?ara'at in Leviticus 14. In particular, it evaluates the contested question of whether this text is... see more


Christopher M. Jones

This article argues, pace Thiessen, that the boundaries of restored Israel in Ezra 1–6 are porous: the texts that establish the community's exclusivism do so only provisionally, in place of a working temple cult. This is shown especially in Ezra... see more


Nava Neriya-Cohen

This article provides an in-depth analysis of the reflective passages of the book of Qoheleth and argues that they constitute an originally independent composition that exhibits a coherent train of thought. Via a close reading of the reflective passages t... see more


Jeremy M. Hutton

This paper proposes a new methodology for describing, explaining, and tracking the linguistic and non-linguistic shifts that occurred in the ancient biblical translations. It first surveys the approach to Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS) taken by Gid... see more


Giovanni Lenzi

This study presents an empirical collection of Biblical Hebrew verbal forms, arguing that at one stage of the Hebrew language syntax was based on a combination of sequences and taxis (the chronological relations between two “actions”). The suffix conjugat... see more


Heather Macumber

The strange beasts of Daniel 7 have generated multiple investigations exploring their biblical and ancient Near Eastern backgrounds. This article focuses on the purpose served by the beastly imagery rather than its source material. Using Monster Theory, t... see more