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Volume 2 Number 1 Year 2018

9 articles in this issue 

Noer Aisyah Barlian

This study aims to determine the perceptions and expectations of guardians of kindergarten X on the satisfaction of guardians of TK X students in Lumajang District. This research is expected to give description about perception and expectation of X kinder... see more

Pags. 192 - 205  

Zainul Hidayat, Jesi Irwanto

Kegiatan perbankan bertujuan untuk meraih laba yang optimal, salah satunya melalui pendapatan operasional. Setiap tahun perbankan diwajibkan untuk menyusun rencana anggaran, oleh karena itu bank perlu mengetahui prediksi pendapatan operaisonal yang akurat... see more

Pags. 206 - 212  

Kusnanto Darmawan

The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of leadership and motivation partially and simultaneously to job satisfaction employees CV. Icon Teqnologi. The research type used is descriptive with causal associative approach. This study was cond... see more

Pags. 212 - 222  


The concept of  Green Finance (Triple Bottom Line), Profit, People and Planet which emphasized for optimization economic factors, attention to the sustainability of environmental factors. The community demanded that company follow concept of Green Fi... see more

Pags. 223 - 238  

M. Miftach Farid, Dicky Fajar Maulana

In the era of this free market to improve the performance of small business actors in developing their business needed a real strength and partnership between small business actors as the party that produces goods with the ritail network with the goal of ... see more

Pags. 239 - 245  

Ennis Mufaridah, Fiskha Suhartini

Home industry that has been the backbone of local government, always in galakkan to improve the dignity of society of lower economic class which generally become small business actor, in business activity important factor to be considered is controlling r... see more

Pags. 246 - 253  

Arum Dwi Dayanti, Ulul Abror

Managing the viability of small businesses in small industry groups requires carefulness and special ability, especially when the business actor faces the scarcity of raw materials used in the production process. As the researchers face in the survey on t... see more

Pags. 254 - 261  

Angga Widi, Eko Wahyu N, Ahedi Syukro

For employers the process of employee selection is an important activity in the effort to get a workforce or adequate workers in receiving assignments to perform certain types of work. Many methods can be used in the employee selection process, one such m... see more

Pags. 262 - 269  

Agustiawan Djoko Baruno, Arisca Handri Puji Susanto

This study aims to determine : (1) the influence of brand awareness on the decision to repurchase Samsung smartphone products (2) the influence o brand trust on the decision to repurchase Samsung smartphone products (3) the influence of brand awareness an... see more

Pags. 270 - 286