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Volume 25 Number 1 Year 2015

6 articles in this issue 

Sedianingsih .,Zahroh Naimah

The objective of this research is to provide empirical evidence in pricing firm's earnings management. Earningsmanagement can be motivated by the management intent to achieve or exceed three thresholds that is zero, pastperiod earnings, and analyst foreca... see more


Anita Roosmawarni,Soekarnoto .

Within the framework of regional economic development goals needed policy development based on regionalcharacteristics (endogenous development), by exploiting the potential of local resources. Identification ofpotential economic sectors (base) is needed f... see more


Anton Widodo Heru Putra,I Made Narsa

The quality of performance of an organization or individual can be determined by measuring the performanceon the achievement of quality performance indicators too. Required a comprehensive planning performanceindicators, not normative and does not overlap... see more


Ida Bagus Gede Adi Permana,Tri Siwi Agustina

Self-efficacy and self-determination have an important role in realizing the success or the success of anindividual. The success or the success of achieving the target can be a work or personal targets the objectives ofthe individual. A dieter OCD have se... see more


Awit Maulinda,Mienati Somya Lesmana

Tax compliance is a force to conduct provisions or rules of taxation that are required or are required to beimplemented. In a system of self-assessment, the taxpayer is given the discretion to count, deposit, and reportedtax obligations.This study aimed t... see more


Marwan N.M Martak

The first focus of this study is tend to test the effect of the professionalism and organizational commitment to theindividual work outcomes. This indicating an organization's management about the value and importance ofmaintaining professionalism and per... see more