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Volume 22 Number 3 Year 2012

8 articles in this issue 

Karjadi Mintaroem

Revitalization Beach Amusement Park (THP) to run independently Kenjeran not enough to rely solely physicaldevelopment. One of the major components that must be done prior to the physical building is a good buildingmanagement systems. This study aims to ex... see more


I Made Narsa,Agus Widodo,Sigit Kurnianto

Facts, the main obstacle faced by the SMEs in addition to capital are the application of professionalmanagement. They do not understand and need to be equipped on the importance of the financial statements of abusiness. Accounting system for SMEs is gener... see more


Sri Iswati,Iswahjuni .,Windijarto .

One Serving Material, Rule Based, Principle-BasedPublic accounting profession regarding the historical financial statements of the audit work, heavily influencedby the change in the mindset of "Rule Based" to "Principle Based". This provides a very signif... see more


Jeanne Ananti Sutanto

BI plans to prepare the rules of loan to value ratio (LTVR) more systematically in order to prevent the bubbleeconomy. Some changes are being planned such as plans to raise the down payment (down payment / DP) sothat the DP is greater.This study aims to a... see more


Nur Afifah

Competition is very keen in banking industry. Banks management had to try their best efforts todeliver good service experiences for their customers, as it will impact the resulted customerrelationship. One of the key success factors is personal interactio... see more


Ratnaningrum .,Sih Handayani

New paradigm of education in Indonesia (Undang-Undang No. 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem PendidikanNasional) has given wide authority to the school headmaster for planning, organizing, actuating, andcontrolling in the educational process. As a manager, the ... see more


Jalaludin .

The general aim of this study is to investigate the impact of productive and Zakah, Infaq and Sadaqah (ZIS) on the development of micro business and employment as well as the welfare of mustahik (recipient of ZIS).Furthermore, the specific aims ... see more


Deden Sutisna

Textile companies in West Java have a very strategic position and role in the region's development. Comparedwith other sectors, the sector is able to absorb a large workforce and support the nation's textile exports. Thissector is not likely to escape if ... see more