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Volume .8 Number n3 Year 2021

5 articles in this issue 

Weslany Silva Rocha,Ana Paula Ribeiro Barros,Marcelo Alves Ribeiro,Albert Lennon Lima Martins,Aloísio Freitas Chagas Júnior,Manoel Mota dos Santos

This study aimed to estimate the association of P2O5 doses with and without rhizobia inoculation to maximize the agronomic performance and yield of cowpea on an Oxisol in the Cerrado region of Tocantins. The experiments were carried out in two periods dur... see more

Pags. e5551  

Loryelle de Jesus Moreira,Bruna Finotti Fonseca Reis de Mello,Abimael Gomes Silva,Edilson Costa,Flávio Ferreira da Silva Binotti,Gustavo Haralampidou da Costa Vieira

The choice of the cultivation environment interferes with the whole vegetable development because of the micro-meteorological conditions in which the plants are cultivated, and the use of technologies with reflective material aims to complement the produc... see more

Pags. e5921  

Julio César Pereira,Aldir Carpes Marques Filho,Flávia Luize Pereira de Souza,Paulo Roberto Arbex Silva

Brazil stands out among the world's largest soy producers. The uniformity in the deposition of seeds and the correct distribution of plants are important factors for the crop to express its maximum productive potential. The present study aimed to evaluate... see more

Pags. e5997  

Marcelo Zolin Lorenzoni,Roberto Rezende,Cássio de Castro Seron,Álvaro Henrique Cândido de Souza

The application of magnetically treated water is a valuable technique for crop irrigation to enhance the yield and quality of agricultural products. This study aims to evaluate the effect of irrigation water depths and the application of water with and wi... see more

Pags. e6153