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Volume 6 Number 1 Year 2019

25 articles in this issue 

Lieven Buysse,Pascal Rillof

Abstract: Today’s European society is incrementally superdiverse, which raises all sorts of challenges as well as concerns about the degrees to which people from varying backgrounds can be integrated in society. Key to such integration is access to p... see more

Pags. 12 - 27  

Noelia Burdeus-Domingo

Abstract: Globalisation urges governments to address equality in access to public services. Even though Public Service Interpreting (PSI) helps allophones to overcome the breach in communication, such services need a solid, organised structure to eff... see more

Pags. 46 - 61  

Anne Delizée,Morgane Milcent,Christine Michaux

Résumé : Les barrières linguistiques peuvent avoir des conséquences négatives sur la santé des patients allophones et entraîner, de surcroît, une augmentation des coûts pour la santé publique. L’une des solutions serait de faire appel à des interprèt... see more

Pags. 62 - 77  

Randi Havnen

Abstract: Sight translation is a method used by interpreters to translate written documents such as verdicts, medical records, and agreements, which often involve civil rights and duties, into speech.Research on sight translation generally adopts a strong... see more

Pags. 91 - 106  

Koen Kerremans,Raquel Lázaro Gutiérrez,Helene Stengers,Antoon Cox,Pascal Rillof

Abstract: In this article, the first results of a large-scale survey on the use of technological bridging instruments in contexts of multilingual service provision will be presented. We will focus on answers given by respondents working as public service ... see more

Pags. 107 - 122  

Aisha Maniar

Abstract: Immigration detention, a form of administrative detention, is used increasingly by states as a form of migration control. The United Kingdom has one of the largest immigration detention estates in Europe. Spoken foreign language interpretin... see more

Pags. 123 - 140  

Tatjana Radanovic Felberg,Gry Sagli

Abstract: The comprehensive governmental approach to interpreting in the public sector in Norway includes interpreter accreditation, interpreter training, and the Norwegian National Register of Interpreters. In this article, we argue that training pu... see more

Pags. 141 - 155  

Marketa Štefková,Benjamin August Firmin Bossaert

Abstract: The article focuses on the translation and interpreting policy in the legal, institutional and public contexts. There are two essential variables to consider when we discuss policy settings for PSIT: the definition of the target groups and the a... see more

Pags. 168 - 182  

Hildegard Vermeiren

Abstract: The interpreting profession weaves its way through a tangled web of legal provisions. Especially in the areas of immigration, the court, the police or social services, third-party rights play an important role, and language assistance is ne... see more

Pags. 183 - 204  

Fátima Camacho Sánchez

Resumen: Las labores de mediación lingüística e intercultural que se desarrollan en los servicios públicos españoles son por lo general improvisadas y en numerosas ocasiones se recurre a personas que no han recibido una formación especializada para ejerce... see more

Pags. 235 - 245  

Ma Qin

Resumen: En vista de la falta de programas formativos de traducción jurídica impartida en la combinación español-chino en másteres de las universidades en China, nos proponemos realizar una investigación sobre los másteres de enseñanza de español en China... see more

Pags. 246 - 257  

Manuel Jesús Rueda Rodríguez

Resumen: Actualmente se observa un creciente número de casos en los que la labor del intérprete se ve condicionada por la presencia de conflictos éticos. Para este estudio se ha creído conveniente crear una situación cuya contextualización se identifica c... see more

Pags. 258 - 268  

Mohana Sultan

Resumen: El presente artículo recoge, de forma sucinta, las hipótesis, los objetivos, la metodología y los principales resultados de una tesis doctoral llevada a cabo en la Universidad de Alcalá (2014-2018) sobre la traducción médica español-árabe. Las ap... see more

Pags. 269 - 280