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ISSN: 0215-0824    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 2 Number 2 Year 1987

11 articles in this issue 

Samsoeri Tirtosastro,Nanan Nurdjanah

Effect of fermentation time and temperature on the quality of dried clove.A study on the effect of time and temperature on fermentation was conducted on clove bud processing. The fermentation temperature of 30, 40, 50, 60 and 700C were tested in combinati... see more

Pags. 1 - 8  

Maharani Hasanah

Many factor can affect seed quality, such as inheritance, source of seed, field contamination, growing condition, post-maturation – pre-harvest conditions, harvesting, aeration and drying, handling, processing and storage.By implementing the quality contr... see more

Pags. 9 - 14  

Fauzi Chairani

Effect of coconut milk solution on suppreeing the growth of rhizome shoot of ginger.An experiment of coconut milk as a source of phenolic regolator to suppress the growth of rhizome shoots of ginger has been done for the purpose of storing the ginger. The... see more

Pags. 15 - 19  

Ireng Darwati,Hidayat Moko

Application of IAA and IBA as a plant growth regulator in the seed bed of cardamomThe research was intended to find out the effect of IAA and IBA (indole acetic acid and indole butyric acid) plant growth regulators in the seed bed of cardamom. It was impl... see more

Pags. 20 - 24  

NFN Siswanto

Sejak jaman dahulu Indonesia dikenal sebagai penghasil pala dunia. Hingga saat ini Indonesia masih tetap merupakan Negara produsen pala terbesar di dunia yang mensuplai lebih kurang 80 persen kebutuhan dunia. Meskipun Indonesia masih tetap merupakan pengh... see more

Pags. 25 - 31  

Rosihan Rosman

The possibility of clove developing on podsolic type of soil in Bone-bone.Clove is one the potential export commoditiesof non oil and gas sector. A research has been conducted, in an effort to develop the commodity based on the aspects of climate and soil... see more

Pags. 32 - 42  

Zulkifli Hasan

Nutrient absorption of clove seedling under several shading and Mixtalol growth regulatorThe nutrient uptake by clove seedling on some shading and plant growth regulator mixtalol were investigated at Cimanggu Experimental Garden of Bogor Spice and Medicin... see more

Pags. 43 - 52  

Nanan Nurdjanah

Processing and quality improvement of temulawak productBeside for traditional medicinal purposes, temulawak is also used as the raw material for food and beverages and export commodity. The quality of temulawak has to be suitable for each purposes. This n... see more

Pags. 53 - 59  

Rusli Kasim

Although Fusarium spp. have often been isolated from the spots, leaves, stems, berries and nurseries of the black pepper, but the pathogenecity test gave negative result. Fusarium only infects the pepper of weak condition as the results of some agricultur... see more

Pags. 60 - 64  

Amri Munaan

Serangan Pachypeltis sp. (Hemiptera, Miridae), dari tingkat ringan sampai berat ditemukan di lima desa, kecamatan Caringin, Bogor. Pada tingkat serangan berat, hamper semua daun gugur dan mengakibatkan gagalnya panen. Rata-rata kerusakan tajuk di desa Pas... see more

Pags. 65 - 69  

Agus Wahyudi

Some indications of impact possibility of the changed world economy to the demand of pepper.The changed world economy, that is, uncoupling between primary product economy and industrial economy has impact to shorten the demand of primary product. This pap... see more

Pags. 70 - 77