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ISSN: 0852-9213    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 16 Number 1 Year 2012

6 articles in this issue 

Fajar Iswahyudi

Citizen Identity Card (Kartu Tanda Penduduk/KTP) is citizen's right which is guaranted by the constitution. To that end, the Stte or Government has the obligatio to fulfill that right without exeption and discrimination. In light of that, KTP making must ... see more

Pags. 1 - 19  

Katiman Katiman

Krisis ekonomi dan keuangan baik secara global maupun kawasan telah memberikan pengalaman yang penting bagi semua negara. Beberapa pengalaman tersebut menunjukkan bahwa untuk meredam dampak krisis ekonomi, negara perlu mengembangkan program perlindungan s... see more

Pags. 21 - 37  

Hudiyanto Hudiyanto,Nunuk Dwi Retnandari

RIA or Regulatory Impact Analysis is an analysis tool that is used to develop the quality of rules or policy that is made by the Government. This article is analyzing the use of RIA that is currently being run by Bantul Government in managing he moern mar... see more

Pags. 39 - 58  

Dwi Haryadi

Criminal acts involving the perpetration of rape in public transportation vehicles which have become common these day, have caused a lot concern an anxiety in the general public. The root cause of such heinous acts can be traced t the disorientation of so... see more

Pags. 59 - 72  

Rizki Emelia Sinuraya

Koperasi Kredit Marsudi Mulyo, adheres to trust, honesty and cooperation as core values with respect to its establishment, membership, business management and conduct of social activities. Specifically for membership, principles encompass self-responsibil... see more

Pags. 73 - 88  

Muyanja Ssenyonga

Artikel ini membahas berbagai ukuran tingkat inovasi dalam satu organisasi, faktor-faktor kunci pendorong inovasi, baik yang dari dalam (internal) maupun luar (eksternal) organisasi, dan tipe-tipe manajemen yang lebih handal untuk mrmacu dan memajukan ino... see more

Pags. 89 - 120