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ISSN: 0852-9213    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 14 Number 1 Year 2010

6 articles in this issue 

Hery Firmansyah

This article examines the effectiveness of networking advocacy system in the eradication of corruption in the local government. The principal argument is that various approaches to combat corruption have not been effective which implies the need for diffe... see more

Pags. 1 - 18  

Muh Syahbudin Latief

This article examines protests to village head election from a good government perspective. The villagers embarked on protests because of suspicion that elections were fraudulent. On one hand the protests can be seen as the struggle toward village democra... see more

Pags. 31 - 44  

Muyanja Ssenyonga

Artikel ini mengetengahkan kenyataan di dunia kita perihal meningkatnya manfaat dari penerapan/ implementasi program KM/ pengelolaan pengetahuan secara sistematis dan terpadu baik disektor swasta/ bisnis maupun pemerintah. Penjabaran inti dari KM itu send... see more

Pags. 45 - 60  

La Ode Nazaruddin

Sebagian besar ahli di ranah kebijakan publik setuju bahwa instrumen yang persuasif lebih efektif, lebih murh, lebih toleran, untuk diterapkan di dalam kebijakan yang bertujuan untuk mengubah prilaku publik. Berdasar beberapa ahli ini maka instrumen persu... see more

Pags. 61 - 80  

Nurhafni Nurhafni

Law No 14/ 2005 on teacher certification is one of the efforts to the government to enhance professionalism of teachers. However, the reality is that the implementation of the program in NAD province has face many obstacles. One of the factor, is the cond... see more

Pags. 81 - 93