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ISSN: 2548-219X    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Number Vol 1, No 1 (2017): Februari Year 2017

10 articles in this issue 

Radius Setiawan

In this program partner SMEs are SMEs whose products are handicrafts Furniture in Jedong Sekarputih Balongpanggang Gresik.UKM involved partner there are 2, namely: UD. Future Furnituredan UD.Kharisma Meubel. The main problem is the difficulty in finding p... see more

Pags. 1 - 10  

Dede Nasrullah,Achmad Hidayatullah,Satria Unggul WP

Education and the economy are still a major problem in our country. The low level of community education causes the economy is still low. Cerme village of Lamongan regency is one example of civilization which also has problems both. This devotion focuses ... see more

Pags. 11 - 17  

Pipit Festy Willianarti,Aryunani Aryunani,Eni Sumarliyah

Implementation of neighborhood health center aims to reduce infant mortalityis accompanied by efforts to reduce the birth rate. For that selected priority programs such asmaternal and child welfare (MCH), family planning, nutrition improvement, immunizati... see more

Pags. 18 - 25  

Solikhul Huda,Wiwi Wikanta

Cattle farming in Indonesia is still concerned with livestock productivity and has not maximized the utilization of cow dung waste (teletong) of economic value. The waste of cow dung (teletong) produced should no longer be a burden of business costs but a... see more

Pags. 26 - 35  

Dahruji Dahruji,Pipit Festy Wilianarti,Totok Totok Hendarto

At this time the development of the industry in Indonesia is growing rapidly, there are currently large and small industries. An assortment of chemical industry, paper, textiles and cement. The small industry such as industry know. Many industries can gen... see more

Pags. 36 - 44  

Achmad Hidayatullah

Child problems arise in various areas, such as child abuse, child sexual abuse, frees sex, drugs etc. Therefore, this dedication will focus on children's problems, especially in the context of education. This devotion activity was conducted for 30 days in... see more

Pags. 45 - 51  

M. Ridlwan,Asyari Asyari

Library is the most important thing in sharpening youth knowledge. So as a strategy in order to form productivity mabaca and nenulis juveniles. Because adolescents with their sensitivity are very sensitive to the environment so it triggers the juvenile de... see more

Pags. 52 - 59  

Ratno Abidin,Aristiana Prihatining Rahayu

Community service activities in the red bridge ridge Kelurahan Nyamplungan District Pabean Cantika Surabaya. They reside with sober, even they can say their homes are roofed by the earth, meaning they only sleep in the grove of shops or warehouses that po... see more

Pags. 60 - 65  

Ari Setyorini,Masulah Masulah

This article aims at describing the story telling training process for the medical professionals in Muhammadiyah Hospital of Surabaya and Siti Khodijah Hospital of Sidoarjo. Based on the preliminary  study, the training is one of the best solutions t... see more

Pags. 66 - 73  

Endang Suprapti,Sujinah Sujinah,Wiwi Wikanta,Suher Suher

Current elementary education, the first decade of the 21st century, is faced with a global challenge where the pattern of people's lives is changing very rapidly, fueled mainly by the development of information technology and global challenges. Devotion t... see more

Pags. 74 - 80