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ISSN: 2302-8890    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Number Volume 14 Nomor 1 Tahun 2020 Year 2020

12 articles in this issue 

Y Anni Aryani, Doddy Setiawan

This research aims at examining the effect of corporate social responsibility on firm performance. Sample of the study consists of company that listed on Jakarta Islamic Index during 2013-2015. This study uses multiple regression to test the hypothesis. T... see more

Pags. 1 - 9  

Nuning Setyowati, Heru Irianto

Social media technology has become part of the community needs, not only as a means to socialize but also to support business operations. In the MEA era, the demands of the market expansion of business networks become mandatory for employers, including fo... see more

Pags. 10 - 21  

Indra Cahyadi

The selection of marketing strategy is very important for the sustainability of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Choosing the best marketing strategy is a process involving problem of multiple decision-making criteria, which considers many attributes ... see more

Pags. 22 - 32  

I Gst. A. Kt. Gd. Suasana, Ni Wayan Ekawati, I Ketut Sudiana, I Gede Wardana

Tujuan penelitian adalah menjelaskan dampak pendidikan kewirausahaan terhadap niat berwirausaha, menjelaskan dampak pendidikan kewirausahaan terhadap EBI, menjelaskan dampak EBI terhadap niat berwirausaha dan menjelaskan peran EBI sebagai mediator dampak ... see more

Pags. 33 - 44  

Hanum Rachmawati Nur, Megawati Simanjuntak, Bagus Sartono

The focus of this study is to analyze the performance of modern retail toward the importance of modern retail based on the perspective of modern retail consumers. The use of the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) method is to measure the importance of ... see more

Pags. 45 - 55  

I Nyoman Nurcaya

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have an important role in the development and economic growth of Bali. One of the MSMEs that still exists and survives in the Province of Bali is Endek fabric. Increasingly intense competition demands endek MSME... see more

Pags. 56 - 60  

Made Lia Ananda Dewi, Ni Wayan Sri Suprapti

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan pengaruh persepsi nilai hijau, persepsi risiko hijau, dan kepercayaan hijau terhadap niat beli hijau produk Herbalife, serta mengetahui apakah kepercayaan hijau merupakan variabel mediasi. Penelitian ini meng... see more

Pags. 61 - 70  

Angga Cahya Qurananda, I Gusti Ayu Ketut Giantari

Repurchase intentions occur when service users or customers are satisfied and get what they need. This study aims to determine the effect of monetary sacrifice and service benefits on repurchase intention mediated by customer value. This research was cond... see more

Pags. 71 - 81  

Batara Maju Simatupang

Tujuan studi secara kuantitatif ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari penerbitan Indonesia Government Securities (IGS) terhadap dana pihak ketiga (TPF) dan pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja perbankan nasional. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah regressi b... see more

Pags. 82 - 93  

Jundah Ayu Permatasari, Umar Nimran, Tri Wulida Afrianty

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh family supportive supervisor behavior (FSSB) terhadap work life balance (WLB), employee engagement dan kepuasan kerja pada perawat yang berstatus telah berkeluarga dan menjalani pekerjaan dengan sistem s... see more

Pags. 94 - 106  

Harlina Meidiaswati, Nugroho Sasikirono, I Made Sudana

This study aims to determine whether the warrants offerings in the Initial Public Offerings in the Indonesian Capital Market are carried out as a form of staged financing mechanism (Schultz, 1993) or are an attempt to convey signals about the company (Che... see more

Pags. 107 - 114  

Mohamad Dimyati, Mochammad Farid Afandi, Fajar Destari

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh penerapan dimensi Banking Service Quality (BSQ) terhadap  Kepuasan Nasabah Bank Syariah di Kabupaten Jember. Dimensi BSQ yang diteliti meliputi keefektifitan dan jaminan, akses, harga, keterwujudan,... see more

Pags. 115 - 127