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ISSN: 2302-8890    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Number Volume 11 Nomor 2 Tahun 2017 Year 2017

8 articles in this issue 

Ayu Desi Indrawati, I Gusti Bagus Honor Satrya, Sayu Ketut Sutrisna Dewi

Organizational commitment is an important construct in management, especially in organizational behaviour subject. This is caused organizations face many challenges such as restructuring, downsizing, re-engineering, and economic global competition, so tha... see more

Pags. 105 - 115  

Heru Priyantono, Lukman M Baga, A Faroby Falatehan

The objective of this research is to formulate strategies to optimize the level of budget disbursement of the State Treasury Office of Jakarta II. The analysis on budget disbursement pattern was conducted by qualitative method (descriptive) using budget r... see more

Pags. 116 - 127  

Luh Gede Sri Artini, Nyoman Tri Aryati, Putu Vivi Lestari, Ni Putu Ayu Darmayanti, Gede Merta Sudiartha

Penelitian ini merupakan gabungan dari penelitian sebelumnya mengenai hubungan antara harga saham dengan kinerja ekonomi makro, dan penelitian mengenai integrasi Pasar Modal internasional.Variabel ekonomi makro dalam penelitian ini dibatasi pada pertumbuh... see more

Pags. 128 - 135  

Mitha Virnawati, Dedi Budiman Hakim, A Faroby Falatehan

Hotel tax is one of a local tax that has great potential to be increased as one source of local government revenue (PAD). Revenue from hotel tax in the City of Sukabumi is smaller when compared with other local taxes, so it needs strategies to increase it... see more

Pags. 136 - 150  

A.A. G Agung Artha Kusuma, KM Agus Satria Pramudana

A fundamental shift has happened in the economics and business world. Countries within the same region integrates one another consolidating their politics and economies creating a trading bloc as means for accelerating economic growth. This situation crea... see more

Pags. 151 - 165  

Natelda R. Timisela, Ester D. Leatemia, Febby F. Polnaya

Research aims to study the characteristics of sago local food agro-industries, analyze the factors that influence entrepreneurs’ characters, and analyze the effects of entrepreneurs’ characters on the management, institutional system, and the performance ... see more

Pags. 166 - 177  

Sigit Handoyo, Tito Jakasurya

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa hubungan antara leverage, profitability, dan foreign ownership terhadap pengungkapan informasi tanggung jawab sosial (CSR) pada perusahaan dari sektor pertambangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) per... see more

Pags. 178 - 187  

Nur Achmad, Edy Purwo Saputro

Women entrepreneurs, an important factor supporting the economy and the research, present a variety of success factors that interesting to observe. This study aims to explore these three success factors of entrepreneurship including; bank credit, training... see more

Pags. 188 - 198