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Volume 3 Number 2 Year 2020

12 articles in this issue 

Andini Dwima Chaerani

This study aims to increase interest in learning and understanding mathematical concepts of Grade VIII A students of SMP Negeri 1 Garung by applying the Quantum Learning learning model. This type of research is a classroom action research (CAR) conducted ... see more

Pags. 53 - 62  

Syafarina Nadhilah,Riawan Yudi Purwoko,Puji Nugraheni

The purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility and produce an ethnomathematics e-module by integrating cultural products in Central Java for Junior High School students. The method used in this research is a research and development method by u... see more

Pags. 63 - 72  

Octha Octha

Technological developments that occur at this time, especially in the field of education, are things that should be understood. Distance learning is an alternative way if you cannot carry out lectures directly in the classroom. Indirectly distance teachin... see more

Pags. 73 - 84  

Muyasaroh Muyasaroh,Nurul Sholilkhah,Mohammad Amiril Fauzi

Starting from the importance of technology-based learning and characteristic extend sharp of millennials who love to utilize Android-based Handphones, then researchers have been researching developing learning media, especially in improving Islamic values... see more

Pags. 85 - 96  

M Fahrul Rozi

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of learning facilities on the learning motivation of second-level POLTEKIP cadets in correctional management study programs. In this study, the population taken by all cadets of the second level polyte... see more

Pags. 97 - 106  

Dewi Kurniawati,Arta Ekayanti

This study has aims to describe the importance of critical thinking skills in mathematics learning. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods using knowledge or facts about the importance of necessary thinking skills in learning mathematics. This st... see more

Pags. 107 - 114  

Nurfadilah Kris Wibowo,Bambang Priyo Darminto,Prasetyo Budi Darmono

This study aims to determine whether the mathematics learning achievement of Grade VII students of SMP using ST learning models is better than conventional learning models. This research is a quasi-experimental study that tries to compare mathematics lear... see more

Pags. 115 - 121  

Ika Sartika,Agus Makmur

This study aims to determine whether the mathematics learning achievement of Grade VII students of SMP using ST learning models is better than conventional learning models. This research is a quasi-experimental study that tries to compare mathematics lear... see more

Pags. 122 - 126  

Nur Hayati,Jalilah Azizah Lubis

The problems found in the field are the lack of student learning outcomes biology which is one of the most important things in implementing the learning process, namely through the application of inquiry learning strategies, demonstrations and direct lear... see more

Pags. 127 - 134  

Hotma Saritua Tarihoran

Jika siswa merasa bahwa metode pembelajaran yang dilakukan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kemampuan dirinya, siswa akan merasa lebih senang atas apa yang telah dilaksanakan tersebut, sehingga hasil belajar yang diharapkan dapat tercapai secara maksimal. Pene... see more

Pags. 135 - 140  

Abdul Muttalib,Wahyuddin Wahyuddin,Nur Hafsah Yunus

The aim of this research is to describe the influence of critical incident learning strategies in improving the ability to write poetry in deep structure and surface structure of Class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Polewali Mandar. This research is categorized into e... see more

Pags. 141 - 146  

Andriani Andriani,Nur Hafsah Yunus MS,Naim Irmayani

Tujuan dilaksanakan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan model Learning Cycle 7e dengan media kotak dadu bahasa Indonesia kelas VIII SMPN 5 Wonomulyo. Populasi penelitian ekesperimen ini adalah seluruh kelas VIII SMPN 5 Wonomulyo yaitu 127 orang... see more

Pags. 147 - 152