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The Hermite numerical interpolation method used to estimate and predict the radon and radium concentrations, from some of the experimental measurements made on the soil samples of the Bartella region in Iraq. The results obtained from deductible mathemati... see more

The Hermite numerical interpolation method used to estimate and predict the radon and radium concentrations, from some of the experimental measurements made on the soil samples of the Bartella region in Iraq. The results obtained from deductible mathemati... see more

Stormwater quality modeling has arisen as a promising tool to develop mitigation strategies. The aim of this paper is to assess the build-up and wash-off processes and investigate the capacity of several water quality models to accurately simulate and pre... see more

ABSTRAK. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengkaji pengaruh pemberian ekstrak daun babadotan dan jahe terhadap fermentabilitas pakan dalam rumen sapi perah dilihat dari pH, Volatile Fatty Acid (VFA) total, konsentrasi asetat, butirat, propionat, ... see more

Face mask is a beauty mask that serves as a carrier of active ingredients for skin health that is able to remove dead skin cells.. Peel-off face masks have several benefits, including being able toclean dirt on the face whileremoving dead skin cells, prev... see more

South China Sea (SCS) is an oligotrophic sea which usually receives low nutrients supply. However, massive atmospheric dust input was occurred during the haze event in Southeast Asia for almost every year. The input of dissolved iron (DFe) and dissolved a... see more

Alfafetoproteína elevada en gestantes de la provincia Artemisa / High alpha-fetoprotein in pregnant women from Artemisa province Alfafetoproteína elevada en gestantes de la provincia Artemisa / High alpha-fetoprotein in pregnant women from Artemisa provinceObjetivo: caracterizar la relación de la Alfafetoproteína elevada en suero materno con la aparición de defectos congénitos y complicaciones obstétricas en gestantes de la provincia Artemisa en el periodo de enero del año 2011 a diciembre del 2013.Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en tres municipios, se consideraron elevadas las muestras con concentraciones de Alfafetoproteìna iguales o superiores a 2,0 MoM. Los datos fueron obtenidos del registro lineal de las consultas municipales de riesgo genético, así como los informes anuales del programa de Genética y procesados con técnicas de estadísticas descriptivas. Se tuvo en cuenta los principios éticos establecidos.Resultados: se encontró que solo el 3,5% de las gestantes con Alfafetoproteína elevada presentaron algún defecto congénito. En el 84% no se encontró una causa aparente y de estas el 42,26% tuvieron alguna complicaciónobstétrica.Conclusiones: predominaron las gestantes con Alfafetoproteína elevada sin causa genética aparente, más defectos del tubo neural que de la pared abdominal. Se presentaron complicaciones obstétricas en casi la mitad de las gestantes estudiadas, predominó el bajo peso al nacer y el parto pretérmino, lo que permite considerar el valor de esta glicoproteína como predictora de complicaciones obstétricas y de utilidad para la identificación de pacientes dealto riesgo.ABSTRACTObjective: to characterize the relationship of the elevated alpha-fetoprotein in maternal serum with the appearance of congenital defects and obstetric complications in pregnant women of the Artemisa province in the period from January 2011 to December 2013.Method: a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in three municipalities; samples with concentrations of Alfafetoprotein equal to or greater than 2.0 MoM were considered high. The data were obtained from the linear registry of the municipal genetic risk consultations, as well as the annual reports of the Genetics program and processed with descriptive statistics techniques. The established ethical principles were taken into accountResults: it was found that only 3,5% of pregnant women with high alpha-fetoprotein had a congenital defect. In 84%, no apparent cause was found and of these 42,26% had some obstetric complication.Conclusions: pregnant women predominated with high alpha-fetoprotein without apparent genetic cause, more defects of the neural tube than of the abdominal wall. Obstetric complications occurred in almost half ofthe pregnant women studied, low birth weight and preterm birth predominated, which allows us to consider the value of this glycoprotein as a predictor of obstetric complications and useful for the identification of high risk patients.Keywords: Alpha-fetoprotein; obstetric risk; obstetric complications.

Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en tres municipios, se consideraron elevadas las muestras con concentraciones de Alfafetoproteìna iguales o superiores a 2,0 MoM. Los datos fueron obtenidos del registro lineal de las consultas municip... see more

There is currently limited information on the benefits of increasing the concentration of Trichanthera gigantea leaves in pelleted diets offered to lambs reared under tropical conditions in the Caribbean. Twelve crossbred Barbados Blackbelly rams aged 5 m... see more

Red ginger (Zingiber officinale) contains many chemical compounds that have many activities. This study aims to determine the active compounds of Zingiber officinale and immunomodulatory activity that can increase the phagocytosis of macrophage cells and ... see more

1 of 16.617 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»