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Abstract: A distinction is often drawn between single articles and synopsis articles. A single article is the so-called default article. It does not deviate from the traditional microstructural approach of the dictionary because it presents the minimum da... see more

Abstract: A distinction is often drawn between single articles and synopsis articles. A single article is the so-called default article. It does not deviate from the traditional microstructural approach of the dictionary because it presents the minimum da... see more

One of the principles of education is to use the method of encouragement and punishment. Punishment has methods, types and etiquettes. The main question of this research is what are the types of punishment of offenders by Amir al-Mu'minin Ali (AS) and how... see more

Openhole packers are completion hardwares that are deployed as a part of the ICDscompletion system to produce a more uniform inflow profile. From the perspective ofthe operability and the economy of the ICDs completion system, the number of openholepacker... see more

Relevancia del trabajo metodológico en el contexto de las Ciencias Básicas Biomédicas / Relevance of methodological work in the context of Basic Biomedical Sciences Relevancia del trabajo metodológico en el contexto de las Ciencias Básicas Biomédicas / Relevance of methodological work in the context of Basic Biomedical SciencesObjetivo: valorar la significación del trabajo metodológico en el proceso docente educativo de las Ciencias Básicas Biomédicas. Métodos: se empleó el método teórico análisis-síntesis en la interpretación de referentes que se localizaron mediante el promotor de búsqueda Google, así como el enfoque sistémico para el comportamiento de la realización de los tipos fundamentales de actividades. La revisión documental del programa de la disciplina Bases Biológicas de la Medicina y las resoluciones vigentes que legislan el trabajo metodológico en la Educación Superior.Resultados: el trabajo metodológico en los diferentes niveles organizativos ofrece diferentes vías para elevar la maestría pedagógica de forma escalonada y debe organizarse como parte de un sistema, que se interrelaciona con las formas propias de este trabajo. Una cultura profesional configurada desde los diferentes niveles de dirección, fomenta el compromiso de colaboración entre los docentes mediante la puesta en práctica del trabajo metodológico institucional y contextualizado en los departamentos.Conclusiones: el trabajo metodológico en el contexto de las Ciencias Básicas Biomédicas constituye uno de los aspectos que influye en la eficacia de la educación médica, una cultura profesional que fomente el compromiso de colaboración entre los docentes mediante su puesta en práctica desde el nivel institucional y contextualizado en losdepartamentos homologa los resultados como parte de una potencialidad alcanzada.ABSTRACTObjective: to assess the significance of methodological work in the educational process of the Basic BiomedicalSciences.Methods: the theoretical analysis-synthesis method was used in the interpretation of referents that were located bythe Google search promoter, as well as the systemic approach to the behavior of the realization of the fundamental types of activities. The documentary review of the program of the Biological Bases of Medicine discipline and the current resolutions that legislate methodological work in Higher Education.Results: the methodological work in the different organizational levels offers different ways to elevate the pedagogical mastery in a staggered way and it must be organized as part of a system, which is interrelated with theproper forms of this work. A professional culture configured from the different levels of management, fosters thecommitment of collaboration among teachers through the implementation of institutional methodological work and contextualized departments.Conclusions: the methodological work in the context of Basic Biomedical Sciences is one of the aspects that influence the effectiveness of medical education, a professional culture that fosters the commitment of collaborationamong teachers through its implementation from the institutional level and contextualized in the departments, the results are homologated as part of a potential achieved.Keywords: methodological work; Basic Biomedical Sciences; Discipline Biological Bases of Medicine.

Resultados: el trabajo metodológico en los diferentes niveles organizativos ofrece diferentes vías para elevar la maestría pedagógica de forma escalonada y debe organizarse como parte de un sistema, que se interrelaciona con las formas propias de este tra... see more

This research article aimed at exploring the effects of three different assessments (self-, peer-, and teacher-) on students’ text revision. Ten Indonesian tertiary-level EFL students participated in this study. It investigated the extent to which three t... see more

Recent studies have shown that online participation is a multi-dimensional phenomenon that replicates and extends existing forms of political engagement. What is less clear is the mobilizing potential of these different types of activity and particularly ... see more

The stable mass seed production technique of marble goby, Oxyeleotris marmoratus has not yet been established due to high mortality occurring on the early juvenile stage and/or after 40 days after hatching (d AH). In order to establish the ... see more

The study of residents' attitudes is fundamental for tourist destinations managers. Residents form their attitude towards tourism through a cost-benefit analysis based on their perception of tourism impacts. The objective of this paper is to analyse the r... see more

1 of 27.233 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»