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Context. The complexity of understanding the concept of multivalued dependencies (when setting out their theoretical foundations, an axiomatic approach is used) in relational (table) databases leads to problems of their modeling, which in turn can cause a... see more

In this paper, we present some new results related to the differential dependencies in relational databases. The main contributions are the following: (1) To introduce a new concept of generalized differential dependencies; (2) To claim and proof the... see more

Against the backdrop of the lingering Ukraine crisis, Russia retaliated against the EU sanctions imposed on selected Russian enterprises and representatives by boycotting import goods from European and North American suppliers. Russian politicians further... see more

A recently proposed balanced-bracket encoding (Yli-Jyrä and GómezRodríguez 2017) has given us a way to embed all noncrossing dependency graphs into the string space and to formulate their exact arcfactored inference problem (Kuhlmann and Johnsson 2015) as... see more

Estrategia pedagógica para el mejoramiento del desempeño pedagógico de los conductores de los procesos universitarios en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina / Pedagogical strategy for the improvement of the pedagogical performance of the drivers of the Estrategia pedagógica para el mejoramiento del desempeño pedagógico de los conductores de los procesos universitarios en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina / Pedagogical strategy for the improvement of the pedagogical performance of the drivers of theObjetivo: analizar el desempeño pedagógico de los conductores de los procesos universitarios en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina”.Método: se utilizó un modelo de investigación cualitativa en el que se emplearon métodos teóricos y empíricos. En el método de la investigación se utilizaron las indagaciones teóricas donde se manejaron los siguientes métodos teóricos: Análisis documental: en la conformación del marco teórico de la investigación, relacionado con del desempeño pedagógico, de los conductores de los procesos universitarios en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina. Entre otros, el análisis Histórico-Lógico, sistematización, modelación, enfoque de sistema.Resultados: los conductores de los procesos universitarios tienen la responsabilidad de comprender estas perspectivas y operar en virtud de las exigencias planteadas. Las realidades y tendencias afirman que el siglo XXI será de dimensión planetaria, caracterizado por una espesa red de relaciones y dependencias científico-tecnológicas, económicas, sociales, culturales y políticas.Conclusiones: como resultados se espera el cumplimiento de los retos que esperan a los conductores docentes, para propiciar que la Universidad cumpla con su papel social.ABSTRACTObjective: to analyze the pedagogical performance of the drivers of the university processes in the Latin American School of Medicine.Method: a qualitative research model was used in which theoretical and empirical methods were used. In the research method the theoretical investigations were used where the following theoretical methods were handled: Documentary analysis: in the conformation of the theoretical framework of the investigation, related to the pedagogical performance, of the drivers of the university processes in the Latin American School of Medicine. Among others, the Historical-Logical analysis, systematization, modeling, system approach.Results: the drivers of the university processes have the responsibility to understand these perspectives and to operate in virtue of the demands made. The realities and tendencies affirm that the XXI century will be of planetary dimension, characterized by a thick network of relations and scientific-technological, economic, social, cultural and political dependencies.Conclusions: the results are expected to meet the challenges that await the teachers, to encourage the University to fulfill its social role.Keywords: process drivers; pedagogical performance; improvement strategy.

Método: se utilizó un modelo de investigación cualitativa en el que se emplearon métodos teóricos y empíricos. En el método de la investigación se utilizaron las indagaciones teóricas donde se manejaron los siguientes métodos teóricos: Análisis documental... see more

?he article uses a correlation-regression analysis to further use the obtained correlation dependencies to assess the prospects for the extraction of natural gas from slate rocks in any region of the world. The statistical data on which correlation depend... see more

In this paper we study the problem of schema design and normalization in XML databases model. We show that, like relational databases, XML documents may contain redundant information, and this redundancy may cause update anomalies. Furthermore, such probl... see more

1 of 49 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»