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Incorporación del componente investigativo para la enseñanza de la enfermedad de diarrea aguda en la formación del médico general / Inclusion of the investigative component to learn about acute diarrheic disease during the training of medical doctorsIncorporación del componente investigativo para la enseñanza de la enfermedad de diarrea aguda en la formación del médico general / Inclusion of the investigative component to learn about acute diarrheic disease during the training of medical doctorsLa morbilidad por las enfermedades diarreicas agudas (EDA) sigue constituyendo un problema de salud, a pesar de que se han logrado avances en la reducción de las cifras de mortalidad. Se realizó una investigación aplicada, descriptiva, explicativa, longitudinal prospectiva, con el objetivo de caracterizar los principales factores de riesgo socio ambientales de las EDA en el área de salud, mediante la vinculación del estudiante de medicina con la familia del niño ingresado en el Hospital Pediátrico "Pepe Portilla" (año 2007-2008). El universo estuvo constituido por 731 niños, con un muestreo aleatorio simple de 252. Se utilizaron los métodos de la encuesta, análisis documental, observación mediante la visita a los hogares. Se procesaron los resultados mediante la estadística descriptiva y arribaron a los siguientes resultados: el estado nutricional detectado fue de 66 niños con afectación del estado nutricional y 186 sin afectación, vinculándose a los primeros las peores condiciones higiénicas sanitarias. En ambos grupos se detectaron deficiencias en las acciones de salud que deben ser instrumentadas en la atención primaria sobre prevención-promoción de las EDA y el seguimiento nutricional a lactantes; por lo que se realizaron charlas educativas por los estudiantes de Medicina sobre las orientaciones higiénicas epidemiológicas en la prevención de la diarrea. Se logró incorporar el componente investigativo en el proceso docente educativo de la formación del estudiante de Medicina.Palabras claves: EDA, acciones de salud, caracterización, factores de riesgo higiénico sanitarios, componente investigativoABSTRACTThe morbidity due to Acute Diarrheic Disease (ADD) still constitutes a health problem, though the figures of mortality have been reduced. An applied, descriptive, explanatory, longitudinal-prospective research was conducted with the purpose of characterizing the main socio-environmental risk factors of the ADD in the health area, linking the medical students with the family of the child admitted at "Pepe Portilla" Children Provincial Hospital (2007-2008). The target group was comprised of 731 children with a sample of 252 taken at random. The methods used were the survey, the documentary analysis and the observation through home visits. The results were processed using the descriptive statistics with the following results: 66 children with poor nutritional status in close relation to the worst hygienic conditions and 186 children without affectation. Deficiencies were detected in both groups when taking the health actions to be implemented in Primary Health Care regarding the prevention of ADD, health promotion work and a follow up of the nutritional status of the infants; that was why medical students organized educational talks about epidemiological-hygienic orientations to prevent the ADD. The investigative component about this topic was included in the teaching-learning process to train medical students.Key words: Acute Diarrheic Disease, health actions, characterization, sanitary hygienic risk factors, investigative component.

ABSTRACTThe morbidity due to Acute Diarrheic Disease (ADD) still constitutes a health problem, though the figures of mortality have been reduced. An applied, descriptive, explanatory, longitudinal-prospective research was conducted with the purpose of cha... see more

Aplicación de las tecnologías de la informática y las comunicaciones en la vinculación de los 18 puntos cardinales de la acupuntura con el sistema osteomioarticular Application of the information technologies and knowledge to link up the 18 cardinal poinAplicación de las tecnologías de la informática y las comunicaciones en la vinculación de los 18 puntos cardinales de la acupuntura con el sistema osteomioarticular Application of the information technologies and knowledge to link up the 18 cardinal poinEl objetivo de esta investigación fue elaborar un sistema de medios de enseñanza aplicando las Tecnologías de la Informática y las Comunicaciones (TICs) para la vinculación de los 18 puntos cardinales de la acupuntura con los contenidos del sistema osteomioarticular (SOMA) que se imparte en la asignatura Morfofisiología Humana II en el primer semestre de Medicina. Dichos medios consistió en un material electrónico de apoyo a la docencia, el que incluyó: 1: Folleto digital donde se propone la distribución de los 18 puntos cardinales de la acupuntura en el sistema osteomioarticular; destacando además el momento oportuno donde se debe realizar la vinculación por parte del profesor, la utilización de los puntos de acupuntura, como terapéutica alternativa y/o enfatizar los conocimientos de la anatomía de superficie. 2: Guía de estudio modelo para la consolidación sobre: esqueleto de los miembros superiores utilizando el modelo WebQuest .3. Secuencia de diapositivas con hipervínculo donde se relacionan los puntos de acupuntura con la anatomía de superficie del esqueleto axil y sus músculos correspondientes, y la de los miembros superiores e inferiores. 4. Ejercicios de autoevaluación vinculando el contenido del sistema osteomioarticular con los puntos cardinales del cuerpo humano en la práctica médica comunitaria. Se concluye que el sistema de medios de enseñanza aplicando las Tecnologías de la Informática y las Comunicaciones (TICs) permitirá a los estudiantes establecer las relaciones entre el SOMA y la anatomía de superficie con la acupuntura.Palabras clave: Tecnologías de la información y el conocimiento, medicina alternativa, acupuntura, morfología, fisiología.ABSTRACTThe aim of this research was to create a system of teaching aids based on the Information Technologies and Knowledge to link up the 18 cardinal points of acupuncture with the contents of osteomyoarticular system that is taught in the first term of the medical studies through the subject: Human Morphology-2. These teaching aids were compromised of an electronic supporting material to the teaching process, which included: 1-A digital leaflet proposing the distribution of the 18 cardinal points of acupuncture in the osteomyoarticular system; highlighting the suitable moment to link up the contents by the professor, the use of acupuncture points as an alternative therapeutics and/or to emphasize knowledge of the superficial anatomy, 2- A model guide of study to the consolidation about: skeleton of the upper limbs using the model WebQuest, 3- Sequence of slides with a hyperlink where the acupuncture points are related with the anatomy of the superficial axial skeleton and its corresponding muscle as well as the upper and lower limbs, 4- Exercises to self-evaluation linking the content of the osteomyoarticular system with the cardinal points of the human body in medical-community practice. Concluding that the system of teaching aids based on the Information Technologies and Knowledge will allow students to establish the relationships between the SOMA and the superficial anatomy with acupuncture.Key words: Information technologies and knowledge, alternative medicine, acupuncture, morphology, physiology

ABSTRACTThe aim of this research was to create a system of teaching aids based on the Information Technologies and Knowledge to link up the 18 cardinal points of acupuncture with the contents of osteomyoarticular system that is taught in the first term of... see more

Improving the quality of teaching and learning in higher education is a current objective in the academic discourse in Germany as well as in South Africa. Research-Based Learning (RBL) is meant to be an effective approach towards enhancing the students ac... see more

The paper has 3 objectives: (i) identify QoL determinants of Russian Students; (ii) assess their relevance for decision-making when choosing life strategies; (iii) recognize their implications for academic teaching. The research sample were students from ... see more

Resumo: O presente artigo tem por finalidade promover uma reflexãoacerca da Didática no ensino superior tratando, especificamente, dos seuselementos constitutivos, relacionando-os com a prática pedagógica doprofessor universitário. Esta é uma pesquisa bib... see more

AbstractEducational research into instructional quality would benefit from macro- and meso-level instructional data – such as achievement data or large-scale student surveys – in relation to data from the micro level – such as detailed analyses of classro... see more

AbstractEducational research into instructional quality would benefit from macro- and meso-level instructional data – such as achievement data or large-scale student surveys – in relation to data from the micro level – such as detailed analyses of classro... see more

Vocabulary plays a pivotal role in the ESL classroom. Whereas a considerable amount of research has examined effective ESL vocabulary teaching and learning, missing are studies that provide examples of how to put various research findings into practice: t... see more

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