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Background: Gonorrhea is the second most common sexually transmitted infection in Southeast Asia. Many factors cause gonococcal urethritis, and each region has its characteristics. This study aimed to determine the risk factors among patients with gonococ... see more

Recurrent urinary tract infections in women is a challenging issue for many specialists including gynecologists. The article provides an overview of current (2018–19) evidence based recommendations on causes, risk factors and algorithms for diagnosing uri... see more

Not adequately realized by the practicing physician is that at least half of the cases of urethritis seen in practice are not due to gonococcus and will not respond to penicillin, but will respond to tetracyclin.The etiology of NSU is not clear yet, but t... see more

 Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the second largest infection after respiratory infection and can cause sepsis. Urinary tract infections occur due to the entry of microorganisms in the urinary tract. The urinary tract that is usually infected is the... see more

Genital hygiene is a significant segment of women’s reproductive health and the practices related to it vary worldwide depending on numerous factors. Improper hygiene of the genital area might incline the vulnerability to sexually transmitted di... see more

Comportamiento del síndrome de reiter en niños y adultos en la provincia de Pinar del Río. Behavior of Reiter’s syndrome in children and adults in Pinar del Rio provinceComportamiento del síndrome de reiter en niños y adultos en la provincia de Pinar del Río. Behavior of Reiter’s syndrome in children and adults in Pinar del Rio provinceSe realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y descriptivo en 36 pacientes con Síndrome de Reiter Clásico, en igual proporción de niños y adultos, diagnosticados y tratados durante la fase aguda de la enfermedad, por el Servicio provincial de Reumatología de Pinar del Río, en el período comprendido desde abril de 1997 hasta abril 1999, con el objetivo de determinar algunas características clínico-epidemiológicas. Se presentó la enfermedad en edades de 6 a 44 años, con predominio del color de la piel blanca y en el sexo masculino. Resultó más frecuente el síndrome de Reiter post-enteral, en niños y adolescentes, con un período de lactancia que osciló entre 11 a 20 días en la mayoría, describiéndose como patrón secuencial más común de presentación clínica en niños la diarrea, fiebre, conjuntivitis, uretritis a diferencia de los adultos: diarrea o secreción uretral, uretritis y conjuntivitis. Prevaleció la forma oligoarticular asimétrica. DeCS: SÍNDROME DE REITER, NIÑO, ADULTO. ABSTRACT A prospective, descriptive and longitudinal study was carried out in a population of 36 patients suffering of Classic Reiter's Syndrome who were diagnosed and treated during the acute phase of the disease by the Provincial Reumatology Service of Pinar del Río between April 1997 to April 1999, the ratio between children and adults was similar. The  a in of the study was to determine some clinical-epidemiological patterns. The disease was present in 6 to 44 year old patient with a predominance of white male patients. The post-enteral Reiter's Syndrome was more frequent in children and teen-agers with a latent period ranging between 11-20 days in the most of them. The more common sequetial pattern of clinical presentation in children was diarrhea, fever, conjunctivitis, urethritis, artritis unlike adults who had diarrhea or urethrac secretion, urethritis, arthritis and conjunctivitis, predominating the asymmetrical oligoarticular form. DeCS: REITER'S SYNDROME, CHILD, ADULT.

Topicality. The problems of inflammatory diseases of kidneys and urinary tract are some of the most difficult in the modern urology. The necessity for long-term use of drugs in the conservative treatment of non-specific inflammatorydiseases of the urogeni... see more

Narrow-leaved catoptric is wide spread in many countries, particularly, in Ukraine. The given herb is used for treatment of many diseases, e.g. cystitis, urethritis; it is also used as an antioxidant, anti-sclerotic and haemostatic agent. In Ukraine, Narr... see more

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