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Fictionalism about a kind of disputed object is often motivated by the fact that the view interprets discourse about those objects literally without an ontological commitment to them. This paper argues that this motivation is inadequate because some viabl... see more

Fictionalism in philosophy of science has had a second life when it was restated in terms of models. In this paper I first criticize Vaihinger’s conception of fictions as false but expedient assumptions. I argue that most of his examples of scientific fic... see more

In his “Indispensability arguments in mathematics”, Putnam rejects having argued in the terms of the argument known in the literature as “the Quine-Putnam indispensability argument”. He considers that mathematics contribution to physics does not have to b... see more

In his “Indispensability arguments in mathematics”, Putnam rejects having argued in the terms of the argument known in the literature as “the Quine-Putnam indispensability argument”. He considers that mathematics contribution to physics does not have to b... see more

As one of the literary genres, poetry has also begun to experience new forms of adaptation in the world of digital literature. One of these forms is audio-visual literature. Audio-visual poetry uses media such as YouTube as its publication medium. This ca... see more

Resumo: A teoria do erro de Mackie reconhece o caráter cognitivista da moralidade tal como a concebemos: juízos morais levantam pretensões de verdade objetiva. Segundo Mackie, porém, tais pretensões não podem ser resgatadas. Os fatos e as propriedades pre... see more

Resumo: A teoria do erro de Mackie reconhece o caráter cognitivista da moralidade tal como a concebemos: juízos morais levantam pretensões de verdade objetiva. Segundo Mackie, porém, tais pretensões não podem ser resgatadas. Os fatos e as propriedades pre... see more

The aim of this paper is to explore the possibility that, at least, some metaphysical debates are ‘metalinguistic negotiations’ (to employ a recent term coined by David Plunkett and Timothy Sundell). I will take the dispute between the dominant approaches... see more

DORAN, Robert. Humanism, Formalism and the Discourse of History. In: WHITE, Hayden. The fiction of Narrative. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010, p. xiii-xxxiv.FINE, Arthur. Fictionalism. Midwest Studies in Philosophy, vol. XVIII, p. 1-18, 1993.FRYE, Northrop. Anatomía de la crítica. Caracas: Monteávila, 1977.FRYE, Northrop. La escritura profana. Caracas: Monteávila, 1980.FRYE, Northrop. El camino crítico. Madrid: Taurus, 1986.FRYE, Northrop. El gran código. Caracas, Monteávila, 1988.GINZBURG, Carlo. Sólo un testigo. In: FRIEDLANDER, Saul. En torno a los límites de la representación. Quilmes: UNQ Editorial, 2007, p. 133-156.HARRIS, Roy. Signos de escritura. Barcelona: Gedisa, 1999.HIMMELFARB, Gertrude. Telling it as you like it: postmodernist history and the flight from fact. Times Literary Supplement, p. 12-15, 1992.INGARDEN, Roman. La obra de arte literaria. México: Taurus, 1998.KELLNER, Hans. Language and Historical Representation. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1989.KERMODE, Frank. El sentido de un final. Estudios sobre la teoría de la ficción. Barcelona: Gedisa, 2000.KUHN, Thomas. La estructura de las revoluciones científicas. México: FCE, 1971.LAVAGNINO, Nicolás. Tropología, agencia y lenguajes históricos. Ideas y valores, n. 145, p. 87-111, 2011.LAVAGNINO, Nicolás. Historical narrative systems. Metatheoria, vol. 4, n. 1, p. 13-35, 2013.LAVAGNINO, Nicolás. La imaginación cliométrica: una lectura narrativista de Coacción y mercado de E. Tandeter. Historia da historiografia, n. 22, p. 152-169, 2016.LORENZ, Chris. Historical Knowledge and Historical Reality: A Plea for «historical realism». History and Theory, vol. 33, p. 297-327, 1994.LORENZ, Chris. Can histories be true?: Narrativism, Positivism and the «metaphorical turn». History and Theory, vol. 37, p. 309-329, 1998.LUHMANN, Niklas. Soziologie des Risikos. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co, 1991.LUHMANN, Niklas. The form of writing. Stanford Literature Review, vol. 9.1, p. 25-42, 1992.LUHMANN, Niklas. Social Systems. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1995.LUHMANN, Niklas. Introducción a la Teoría de Sistemas. Mexico: Universidad Iberoamericana, 2007.MARWICK, Arthur. Two Approaches to Historical Study: The Metaphysical (including ‘Postmodernism’) and the Historical. Journal of Contemporary History, v. 30, n.1, p. 5-35, 1995.MATURANA, Humberto; VARELA, Francisco. The Tree of Knowledge. Boston, Shambhala Publications Inc., 1992.MOSES, Dirk A. Hayden White, Traumatic Nationalism, and the Public Role of History. History and Theory, vol. 44, n. 3, p. 311-332, 2005.PAYRÓ, Roberto. El falso inca. Buenos Aires: [s.n.], 1905.PIOSSEK PREBISCH, Teresa. Pedro Bohórquez, el Inca del Tucumán. México: Gente de Letras, 2004.TODOROV, Tzvetan. Crítica de la crítica. Barcelona: Paidós, 2005.TODOROV, Tzvetan. Introducción a la literatura fantástica. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 2006.TOZZI, Verónica. Introducción. In: WHITE, Hayden. El texto histórico como artefacto literario. Barcelona: Paidós, 2003.TOZZI, Verónica. La historia según la nueva filosofía de la historia. Buenos Aires: Prometeo, 2009.VAIHINGER, Hans. The Philosophy of “As if”. Londres: Kegan, 1924.VON BERTALANFFY, Ludwig. General System Theory; Foundations, Development, Applications. New York: George B raziller, 1968.VON FOERSTER, Heinz. Observing Systems. Seaside: California: Intersystems Publications, 1981.WHITE, Hayden. The burden of history. History & Theory, vol. 5, n. 2, p. 111-134, 1966.WHITE, Hayden. What is a Historical System? In: BECK, A. D. YOURGRAU, W. Biology, History, and Natural Philosophy. New York: Plenum Press, 1972, p. 232-242.WHITE, Hayden. Tropics of discourse. Essays in Cultural Criticism. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978.WHITE, Hayden. Metahistoria. La imaginación histórica en la Europa del siglo XIX. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1992.WHITE, Hayden. El texto histórico como artefacto literario. Barcelona: Paidós, 2003.WHITE, Hayden. The Fiction of narrative. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.
El presente artículo atiende dos preguntas interrelacionadas. Por un lado, se interroga por el estatuto de la ficción, incluyendo entre sus modalidades a la narración. Por otro lado, se enfoca la especificidad de la operación historiográfica y su vinculac... see more

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