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The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of sublingual allergen–specific immunotherapy (SLIT) in Ukrainian children younger than 5 years old with allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma sensitized to house dust mite allergens.Material and method... see more

The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of sublingual allergen–specific immunotherapy (SLIT) in Ukrainian children younger than 5 years old with allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma sensitized to house dust mite allergens.Material and method... see more

The objective of this study was to compare the sensitivity and specificity of BMI-based classification systems for detecting excess body fat in schoolchildren. A total of 2,795 schoolchildren aged 7 to 10 years were examined. Excess body fat was defined a... see more

Background: It is common the idea that the responsibility for learning mathematics worked in the first years of schooling rests solely with the teacher at this stage. This is a mistake since these contents run throughout basic education, and it is importa... see more

The article is dedicated to the historical phenomenon of Thirty Years’ War in its literary interpretation. This historical event remains an important component in the collective cultural memory of Germans. Thirty Years’ War is still considered one of the ... see more

DOI: 10.1590/2179-8966/2019/45682 ResumoDe 2009 a 2019, dez se passaram e a Revista Direito e Práxis (DeP) representa um consolidado e relevante canal de publicação na área das pesquisas sócio-jurídicas críticas, com foco especial nos campos da teoria, fi... see more

Aspectos clínico e imagenológicos más importantes de los quistes dermoides intrarraquídeos Aspectos clínico e imagenológicos más importantes de los quistes dermoides intrarraquídeosIntroducción: los tumores Dermoides Epidermoides son lesiones que afectan el cráneo y el canal raquídeo, comprimiendo estructuras nerviosas; son infrecuentes y en el Sistema Nervioso corresponden a 1%. Los Quistes dermoides pueden ser congénitos o adquiridos y estar relacionados con malformaciones de la columna vertebral como la espina bífida, la fusión vertebral, los senos dérmicos y la siringomielia. Objetivo: describir los aspectos clínico e imagenológicosmás importantes de los quistes dermoides  intrarraquídeos. Material y Métodos: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, analítico lineal de 7 casos diagnosticados en el Hospital Pediátrico "William Soler" en el período de noviembre de 2003 a octubre de 2007. Se utilizaron las variables edad, sexo, localización, síntomas, signos  y exámenes de imagen. Resultados: los signos y síntomas más usuales fueron dolor, claudicación a la marcha y el signo de Lasegue; la localización lumbosacra predominó en 87,7%. A todos los pacientes se le realizaron estudios convencionales de Rayos X, a 5 de ellos se les realizó Resonancia Magnética Nuclear y a 2 de ellos se les realizó la Tomografía axial computarizada. Conclusiones: los exámenes imagenológicos realizados a los pacientes estudiados fueron de gran valor para el diagnóstico precoz de la enfermedad.Palabras clave: quiste dermoides, sinovitis de cadera, Resonancia Magnética, Mielo-TAC.ABSTRACTIntroduction: Epidermoid Dermoids tumors are lesions affecting the skull and the rachidial canal compressing nervous structures; are infrequent and corresponding to the 1% of the lesions of Nervous System. Dermoids cysts may be congenital or acquired and been related to vertebral column abnormalities like spina bifida, vertebral fusion, dermic sinus and syringomylia. Objective: to describe the clinical-imageniological aspects of Dermoids cysts.  Material and Methods: an analytic retrospective study of seven cases diagnosed in "William Soler" University Pediatric Hospital during the period from November 2003 to October 2007. Variables used were; age, gender, location, symptoms, signs and image test. Results: the greatest frequency corresponding to male sex and signs and symptoms were pain, walking claudication and Lasegués sign, lumbosacral localization prevail in 87.7% and corresponding tables were designs. Conclusions: we observed the prevalence of the disease in the aged corresponding from 1 to 10 years old, the simple radiological study had a great diagnose value to the patient orientation and diagnose and like specific image study the Magnetic Resonance Image and Myelo- Axial Computer Tomography.Key words: Dermoids Cysts, hip´s synovitis, Magnetic resonance, Myelo- Axial Computer Tomography.

Objetivo: describir los aspectos clínico e imagenológicosmás importantes de los quistes dermoides  intrarraquídeos. Material y Métodos: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, analítico lineal de 7 casos diagnosticados en el Hospital Pediátrico "Willia... see more

Understanding how Ontario Ministry of Education (OME) early years’ curriculum and framework documents, such as The Kindergarten Program (OME, 2016), How Does Learning Happen? (OME, 2014) and ELECT (BSEPEL, 2007) set the expectations for fostering gender a... see more

The article is dedicated to the historical phenomenon of Thirty Years’ War in its literary interpretation. This historical event remains an important component in the collective cultural memory of Germans. Thirty Years’ War is still considered one of the ... see more

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