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The Constitutional Court Decision Number 91/PUU-XVIII/2020 states that the Job Creation Act has a formal defect and must be corrected within 2 (two) years since the decision was pronounced. The a quo decision created a discourse in the community regarding... see more

Background: Many health sciences librarians are noticing an increase in demand for systematic review support. Developing a strategic approach to supporting systematic review activities can address commonly reported barriers and challenges including time f... see more

The law on regional autonomy enacted by the central government is like the horns of a dilemma. The central government considers the formalization of religious aspects as a threat to national and state stability, as demonstrated by regional head regul... see more

The purpose of this paper is to present a broad overview of the influence of non-formal education on income generation by analysing the relevant literature of recent times. Reports and articles published in key journals from the concerned field, closely d... see more

Abstract There are three essential points from the final results and conclusions in this research that combines qualitative and quantitative approaches, namely: First, examining the policy model applied by the Darussalam Blokagung Islamic Boarding School ... see more

Emerging educational technologies and technological pedagogical innovations such as massive open online courses (MOOCs) have flooded Africa's higher education (HE) sector with many promises. This paper aims to investigate the perceptions among African HE ... see more

Background: In 2015, librarians at Purdue University began fielding requests from many disciplines to consult or collaborate on systematic review projects, and in 2016, health sciences librarians led the launch of a formal systematic review service. In 20... see more

Propuesta de estrategia de intervención en salud para la leptospirosis infantil / A proposal for a strategy of health intervention to manage leptospirosis in childrenPropuesta de estrategia de intervención en salud para la leptospirosis infantil / A proposal for a strategy of health intervention to manage leptospirosis in childrenSe realizó una investigación de desarrollo-aplicada, exploratoria, descriptiva y transversal, basada en un diagnóstico previo de una investigación ejecutada por la autora principal, quien efectuó una caracterización clínico - epidemiológica de la leptospirosis a 80 niños de Pinar del Río, (Cuba), que permitió el diagnóstico de los principales problemas que conformaron la propuesta de Estrategia de Intervención en Salud para la Leptospirosis Infantil. Además, la investigación utilizó el método de análisis documental, efectuando una revisión de los Programas Nacionales para la prevención y control de la leptospirosis, precisando sus sesgos. Fueron definidas las acciones a llevar a cabo de promoción, prevención y rehabilitación, determinando que hacer ante cada una de ellas por personal médico, paramédico, líderes formales  y comunidad; es precisada la manera de evaluar la propuesta una vez puesta en práctica. Palabras clave: LEPTOSPIROSIS, DIAGNÓSTICO, ESTRATEGIA, SALUD DEL NIÑO/prevención y control. ABSTRACT A development-applied, exploratory, descriptive and cross-sectional research paper, based on the previous diagnosis of a research carried out by the main author, who led a clinical-epidemiological characterization to manage leptospirosis in children (80 children), Pinar del Rio. Cuba. This allowed performing the diagnosis of the main problems to make the proposal of the Strategy for the Health Intervention to manage Leptospirosis in Children. A documentary analysis was the method used through making a review of the National Programs for the prevention and control of this entity, considering its bias. Actions to be taken were defined to perform the activities of promotion, prevention and rehabilitation determining what medical, paramedical personnel as well as formal and community leaders make in each of the activities; the assessment of the proposal should be put into practice. Key words: Leptospirosis, diagnosis, strategy, CHILD Health/prevention.

ABSTRACT A development-applied, exploratory, descriptive and cross-sectional research paper, based on the previous diagnosis of a research carried out by the main author, who led a clinical-epidemiological characterization to manage leptospirosis in c... see more

Keterampilan menulis bukanlah merupakan keterampilan yang diperoleh pembelajar secara alamiah melainkan perlu dipelajari dan dibudayakan pelatihannya baik secara formal maupun di lingkungan belajar lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk : (1) mengkaj... see more

1 of 8.367 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»