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AbstractAs digital tools and social networks became the main mode of interaction for many people, interpersonal communication has changed. Computer-mediated communication (CMC) has become more important than face-to-face communication in many contexts. Yo... see more

AbstractAs digital tools and social networks became the main mode of interaction for many people, interpersonal communication has changed. Computer-mediated communication (CMC) has become more important than face-to-face communication in many contexts. Yo... see more

The present study investigates the use of external modifiers in requests and complaints as a strategy of facework (Goffman, 1967) in academic email communication, in the asymmetric relationship (student-faculty staff). The aim of this study is to understa... see more

Métodos estadísticos empleados en las investigaciones epidemiológicas publicadas en algunas revistas médicas Métodos estadísticos empleados en las investigaciones epidemiológicas publicadas en algunas revistas médicasObjetivo: identificar los procedimientos estadísticos más utilizados en algunas revistas médicas.Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo. Se seleccionaron cuatro revistas médicas: Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical, Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiología, International Journal of Epidemiology, y la International Journal of Infectious Diseases. El universo incluyó todos los artículos originales publicados durante el período 2000-2015, con investigaciones epidemiológicas. Se excluyeron los artículos de revisión, las comunicaciones cortas, los reportes de casos, los artículos originales cuyo diseño respondía a la investigación básica, las investigaciones cualitativas y las revisiones sistemáticas. Las técnicas estadísticas se agruparon en niveles de complejidad del 1 al 4: estadística descriptiva, técnicas univariadas, técnicas multivariadas y técnicas más complejas.Resultados: los métodos estadísticos empleados evidenciaron predominio de las tablas bivariadas, seguido de la regresión logística (25,8%) Los estadísticos demoepidemiológicos se utilizaron en un 17,5%, lo que se correspondió en mayor medida con el uso de riesgo relativo, oportunidad relativa, sensibilidad y especificidad. La correlación lineal de Pearson y la prueba t de student, representaron alrededor del 8,0%. Los procedimientos menos utilizados se correspondieron con las pruebas delnivel 4, algunas no superaron incluso el 1,0 %.Conclusiones: se concluye que el perfil general de las técnicas estadísticas en las revistas cubanas seleccionadas tiene un carácter descriptivo predominante.ABSTRACTObjective: to identified the statistical procedures more used in some medical journals.Material and method: a descriptive retrospective study was carried out. Four journals were chosen: Cuban Journal of Tropical Medicine, Cuban Journal of Hygiene and Epidemiology, International Journal of Epidemiology and International Journal of Infectious Diseases. The universe included all the original articles publish during the period 2000-2015, with epidemiological investigations. The review articles were excluded, the short communications, the case reports, the original articles which design responded to basical investigation, the qualitative investigations and the systematical reviews. The statistical techniques were grouped in levels of intricacy between 1 and 4, descriptive statistics, univariuos techniques, multivarious techniques and multivarious techniques and more complicated techniques.Results: the statistical methods used evidenced predominance of the bivarious tables, follows of logistical regression (25,8%). The demoepidemiological statistics were used in 17,5%, which corresponded in major with the use of relative risk, relative opportunity, sensibility and specificity. The Pearson lineal correlation and test of the students, represented around of 8,0%. The procedures less used corresponded to the tests of level 4, some were not higher of 1,0 %.Conclusions: it is concluded that the general face of the statistical techniques in the Cuban journals chosen have a predominant descriptive character.

Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo. Se seleccionaron cuatro revistas médicas: Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical, Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiología, International Journal of Epidemiology, y la International Jour... see more

The covid-19 outbreak that currently hits Indonesia and the world has remained the community to be active to anticipate the spread of this virus. This condition certainly has an impact on tourism destinations and also stakeholders in the tourism sector wi... see more

In this study, it is aimed to examine which level marketing communicating tools are used in the food industry in Çukurova Region, Turkey. For this purpose, a survey was applied to 92 enterprises which process milk and dairy products, meat and meat product... see more

This research was written to discover the future trends in new media and social networking .The researchers have taken a personal interest in the developments of Web 2.0 platforms after noticing the impact they have made on society on a global scale as we... see more

Social networks have obtained a relevant presence in Communication programs and they are changing the way to disseminate information and engage in dialogue. They permit a more balanced and participatory model of communication between publics and organizat... see more

1 of 52.958 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»