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The focus of this paper are the stone tools of Çukuriçi Höyük, a prehistoric site situated at the central Aegean coast of Anatolia. The settlement was inhabited from the Neolithic, through the Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age 1 periods, a period las... see more

This study assessed the process of postgraduate studies and subsequent career based developments based on the views of M.A and PhD students graduated from Curriculum and Instruction Postgraduate Programs. The study utilized qualitative research design and... see more

This retrospective study aims to compare treatment results of ruptured and unruptured pericallosal artery aneurysms (PAAs) regarding patient outcome and aneurysm recurrence after endovascular treatment (EVT) and neurosurgical treatment (NT). A total of 67... see more

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Neste artigo, busca-se refletir acerca dos problemas do tempo e da subjetividade na produção de conhecimento histórico. A abordagem escolhida é profundamente inspirada no pensamento de Giorgio Agamben e parte da citação da relação entre história e poesia ... see more

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Uma grande parte do valor percebido da história no mundo antigo estava ligada à sua função educacional. De um modo ou de outro, ela foi considerada como um guia benéfico para a conduta ou como magistra vitae (CÍCERO, De OratoreII, 36). Dar ... see more

The 2013 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, using CMIP5 and EMIC model outputs suggests that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) is very likely to weaken by 11–34% over the next century, with consequences for global rainfa... see more

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