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Abstract. The study aims to review  systematically  the evidence of using Point of Care Testing (POCT) in Emergency Departments (EDs).  It will identify and qualitatively synthesise whether POCT in emergency care is safe, effective and has ... see more

AbstractBackground: Delivering pre-hospital emergency care has the potential to be hazardous. Despite this, little is known about the factors that precipitate human errors and influence patient safety in the pre-hospital care setting, in contrast to ... see more

AbstractBackground: Bilious vomiting in children requires an urgent evaluation with upper gastrointestinal (UGI) fluoroscopy as it may herald life-threatening midgut malrotation with volvulus (MMWV). There are no published data available on the durat... see more

This paper aims to explore how and the extent to which faculty staff and postgraduate students perceived and responded to the transformation from face-to-face to emergency remote teaching and learning during the “new normal” circumstances in higher educat... see more

This research aims to examine pre-service music teachers’ views on piano lessons provided in the emergency remote education process during Covid-19 lockdown. The population of the research comprises 82 students studying at the Departments of Music Educati... see more

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is a primary health problem globally. In particular, it has caused troubles even to the advanced health systems of Western countrieswho attempted to limit the spread of the infection and manage patients wit... see more

Siminska Joanna, Przybylska Sara, Swiatkowska Anna, Domarecka Iwona, Miszewski Waldemar, Nowacka Krystyna, Hagner Wojciech. Sluzby ratunkowe w Tatrach = Emergency services in the High Tatras. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(11):404-411... see more

Trócar de punción suprapúbica ajustable: modificación práctica al trócar convencional / Adjustable trocar of suprapubic punction, practical modification to the conventional trocarTrócar de punción suprapúbica ajustable: modificación práctica al trócar convencional / Adjustable trocar of suprapubic punction, practical modification to the conventional trocarSe crea un dispositivo para ser usado en las enfermedades obstructivas bajas del sistema urológico. La derivación inmediata de la orina por medio del cateterismo uretral o a través de una punción suprapúbica, mediante un dispositivo conocido como trócar es el tratamiento de elección de estas urgencias. La dificultad de adquirir dicho dispositivo en Zimbabwe donde nos encontrábamos cumpliendo misión internacionalista conllevó a realizar un dispositivo de punción suprapúbica de muy bajo costo, capaz de resolver los problemas de urgencia urológicas obstructivas, que permitiera evitar las complicaciones y facilitar su utilización por parte del especialista. Para la confección del trócar de punción suprapúbica ajustable (TPSA) fueron recuperados diferentes materiales en desuso (Ej. El mango del dispositivo fue hecho a partir de un taladro ortopédico y la porción punzante se creó a partir de cabilla de acero inoxidable a la cual se le hizo una punta y una rosca). En el periodo de mayo de 2005 a diciembre de 2006 se realizaron 90 punciones suprapúbica a pacientes con retenciones urinarias agudas y crónicas, por enfermedades obstructivas que acudían al cuerpo de guardia o consultas. Los resultados evidenciaron que de los 30 pacientes instrumentados con el TPSA, la mayoría eran del sexo masculino, solo uno desarrolló sepsis post instrumentación y ningún trauma por intentos fallidos y/o perforaciones intestinales con resultados alentadores con respecto a los pacientes atendidos con el dispositivo tradicional y con instrumentos improvisados no técnicos, constituyendo un aporte importante dentro de la Urología. Palabras clave: Punciones, trocar, innovación ABSTRACT A device to be used in lower obstructive diseases of the urologic system is created. The immediate deviation of the urine either through urethral catheter or suprapubic punction, by means of a device known as trocar is the elective treatment of these medical emergencies. The difficulties to purchase such device in Zimbabwe where a Cuban medical international mission was taking place, led to the creation of a device to perform suprapubic punctions at very low prices, capable of solving obstructive urologic emergency, in order to avoid complications and to ease its use by the specialists. To create the Adjustable Trocar of Suprapubic Punction (ATSP) different disused materials were recuperated (Ex. The handle of the device was made of an orthopedic drill and the sharp portion from a stainless steel belaying pin, making in it a tip and a thread). During May 2005 to December 2006, 90 suprapubic punctions were performed to patients that attended to the Emergency Rooms or Clinics suffering from acute and chronic retention of urine due to obstructive diseases. Results showed that out of 30 patients treated with the instrument (ATSP), male sex mainly, only one developed post-instrument sepsis and no traumas due to failed attempts and/or intestinal perforations was observed; compared to the patients treated with the traditional device and non-technical improvised instruments, it constitutes a significant contribution in Urology. Key words: Punctions, trocar, innovation

ABSTRACT A device to be used in lower obstructive diseases of the urologic system is created. The immediate deviation of the urine either through urethral catheter or suprapubic punction, by means of a device known as trocar is the elective treatment... see more

AbstractThe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has spread throughout the world, with devastating effects of the virus as well as the repercussions of the resulting ‘lockdowns’. South Africa went into a national lockdown in March 2020 to mitigate... see more

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