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Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA) Class I Palembang is a pilot LPKA throughout Indonesia that has successfully implemented distance learning / filial schools with the same standards as the main schools (technical learning management schools) in collabo... see more

The filial school is one of the model of school development where learners study and learn various skills as the basic capital to continue to higher education level. The responsibility of the school's management is fully filial by the parent school in acc... see more

Estancia de otorrinolaringología. Análisis integral de tres cursos de trabajo. Sandino. 2004-2007 Rotation in Otorrhinolaringology. A Three-Year-Of-Work Complete Analysis. Sandino 2004-2007Estancia de otorrinolaringología. Análisis integral de tres cursos de trabajo. Sandino. 2004-2007 Rotation in Otorrhinolaringology. A Three-Year-Of-Work Complete Analysis. Sandino 2004-2007Por la importancia que implica la universalización de la enseñanza y el gran reto que la misma constituye para los profesores que impartimos las diferentes asignaturas en centros de Educación Médica Superior nos motivamos a la realización de la presente investigación, en la cual nos proponemos analizar los resultados del proceso docente educativo en la estancia de Otorrinolaringología en la Filial Universitaria de Ciencias Médicas de Sandino, para lo cual realizamos una investigación lineal, cuantitativa, analítica y descriptiva, de los factores que a nuestro entender y el de nuestros educandos han incidido en la calidad y desarrollo de este proceso en los años del 2004 al 2007. El universo y la muestra de estudio estuvieron constituidos por los alumnos que han rotado con nosotros en estos tres años en nuestra filial. Utilizamos métodos estadísticos porcentuales para el análisis de cada una de las variables. Definimos los principales problemas que inciden en el normal desarrollo del proceso docente educativo en nuestra asignatura, las deficiencias e insuficiencias de las acciones instituidas por el programa actual, nos permitirá el diseño de un modelo más eficaz en cuanto a los contenidos a impartir y la forma más adecuada de hacerlo en correspondencia con las patologías más frecuentes de nuestra especialidad en nuestro país y otros del tercer mundo que enfrentaran nuestro médicos. Palabras clave: ENSEÑANZA/métodos, EDUCACIÓN MÉDICA, ESCUELAS MÉDICAS, UNIVERSIDADES, DOCENTES, COMUNICACIÓN, EVALUIACIÓN EDUCACIONAL/métodos, OTORRINOLARINGOLOGÍA, INTERNADO, RESIDENCIA. ABSTRACT Because of the importance that the teaching universalization implies and the great challenge it brings for us, the professors that teach different subjects at Higher Medical Education Institutions, we feel motivated to carry out the following research, in which we aim at analyzing the results from the educational teaching process in the rotation of Otorrhinolaringology at the Medical University branch in Sandino. Therefore, we carried out a linear, quantitative, analytical, and descriptive research on the factors which, we and our students understand, have influenced the quality and development of this process during 2004-2007. The whole study sample comprised the students who have rotated with us during these three years at our medical branch. We used percentage statistical methods for the analysis of each variable. We defined the main problems influencing the normal development of the education teaching process in our subject, deficiencies and imparity of the actions stated in the current syllabus, which will allow the design of a more effective model in terms of the content to be taught and the most appropriate way to do that, in correspondence with the most frequent pathologies in our specialty in our country and other countries from the third world. Key words: MEDICAL EDUCATION, MEDICAL SCHOOLS, UNIVERSITIES, PROFESSORS, COMMUNICATION, EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION/methods, OTORRINOLARINGOLOGY, INTERNSHIP AND RESIDENCE.

ResumenEl presente artículo es una revisión crítica de las relaciones entre la Historia del Arte y el campo de la Psicología, acotándose el territorio que se ha denominado «Psicología del Arte», dedicado al estudio del arte como producto de la mente human... see more

Religious moderation constitutes a popular terminology in the field of social and religious studies in Indonesia. The key point of this term concerns the manifestation of tolerance in social life, in addition to the equality of rights and humanity. The po... see more

Quality educational results can be seen from the achievements achieved by students, both in academic and non-academic achievements. One of the parameters of a quality school is how schools are able to manage management functions both from planning, organi... see more

Process standards are needed to improve and improve the quality of education. Inclusive schools as educational units are required to use national process standards, so that problems arise in the learning process for students with special needs. In order t... see more

This study analyses the learning process of student leadership in Islamic boarding schools through organizational empowerment. This research was conducted at the Nurul Jadid Islamic Boarding School, Probolinggo, with a qualitative approach through case st... see more

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