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72.400  Articles
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Most existing quality programmes have not been adapted to promote the prevention of ethical issues such as fraud, which is constantly reported in the media. This study seeks to uncover the underlying dimensions of ethical quality management and to develop... see more

Most existing quality programmes have not been adapted to promote the prevention of ethical issues such as fraud, which is constantly reported in the media. This study seeks to uncover the underlying dimensions of ethical quality management and to develop... see more

A kind of an essay on some social and ethical impact of new technologies has been given in the first five sections. The next two sections bring a study on quality referred to the software process. Then some ethical issues are presented in the context of I... see more

Health care quality has become a fundamental requirement for any health care service. Despite the extraordinary scientific-technological development achieved in the last decades, the complexity of health care services provokes the increase of medical erro... see more

Pro-investment and development government policies to achieve people’s welfare can potentially violate human right to clean air through business activities that contribute to air pollution. In Jakarta, this condition led to a public lawsuit against the ce... see more

Auditors are required to be professional to carry out their duties properly in examining the client's financial statements to provide benefits to the client and interested parties on the audit results. However, this professional attitude cannot be separat... see more

AbstractPurpose: This study aimed to determine the ability of quality control to moderate the relationship between time pressure, locus of control, and professional skepticism of auditors. Method: The population included auditors in the city of Semarang, ... see more

Estrategia de promoción de salud mental y prevención de las adicciones / Strategy of mental health promotion and Prevention of Addictions Estrategia de promoción de salud mental y prevención de las adicciones / Strategy of mental health promotion and Prevention of AddictionsObjetivo: implementar una estrategia de intervención que contemple acciones de promoción psicoeducativas en el consumo de alcohol con participación intersectorial y multidisciplinaria, así como modificar factores de riesgo dado sus estilos de vida y la elevar la calidad de vida.Materiales y métodos: la estrategia de intervención se adhirió a un paradigma de investigación–acción de corte transversal donde se emplearon métodos  teóricos, empíricos y estadísticos. El universo  comprendió todos los estudiantes de la ELAM y la muestra los estudiantes con problemas relacionados con el alcohol. Se emplearon técnicas Cualitativas, cuantitativas, método del DNR y de observación directa. Incluyendo consideraciones éticas ylimitaciones en la investigación y un cronograma para su implementación con un plan de acción de tareas específicas para cada dirección de la ELAM como eje principal.Resultados: dentro de los objetivos trazados se logró modificar los factores de riesgos individuales, escolares y comunitarios y potencializar los protectores; así como visualizar y fortalecer con sistematicidad los recursos materiales de la comunidad que fueron utilizados para lograr las metas del proyecto.Conclusiones: el proyecto se encuentra en fase de desarrollo. Se han identificado parcialmente los patrones de consumo. Se distribuyeron tareas concretas como elemento de soporte a los factores de la universidad. Se concretó la consulta de conserjería en adicciones en estudiantes con problemas relacionados con el alcohol.ABSTRACTObjective: to implement an intervention strategy that includes psychoeducational promotion actions in alcohol consumption with intersectoral and multidisciplinary participation, as well as modifying risk factors given their lifestyles and raising the quality of life.Materials and methods: the intervention strategy adhered to a cross-sectional research-action paradigm where theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were used. The universe comprised all ELAM students and shows students with problems related to alcohol. Qualitative, quantitative techniques, DNR method and direct observation were used. Including ethical considerations and limitations in the research and a timetable for its implementation with a plan of action of specific tasks for each direction of the ELAM as the main axis.Conclusions: the project is in the development phase. The patterns of consumption have been partially identified. Concrete tasks were distributed as a support element to the factors of the university. The counseling of addiction instudents with problems related to alcohol was finalized.Keywords: mental health; community; intervention strategy; consumption of alcohol; Psychoeducational promotion actions.

Materiales y métodos: la estrategia de intervención se adhirió a un paradigma de investigación–acción de corte transversal donde se emplearon métodos  teóricos, empíricos y estadísticos. El universo  comprendió todos los estudiantes de la ELAM y... see more

1 of 7.240 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»