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El presente artículo propone una lectura pormenorizada de la pieza lírica III de Long Ago, un poemario publicado en 1889 por Katharine Bradley y Edith Cooper bajo el pseudónimo compartido de Michael Field. Esta colección articula un discurso dramático en ... see more

“Transfer” XII: 1-2 (mayo 2017), pp. 212-225. ISSN: 1886-554 212 NOTICIAS / NEWS (“transfer”, 2017) 1) CONGRESOS / CONFERENCES: 1. 8th Asian Translation Traditions Conference: Conflicting Ideologies and Cultural Mediation – Hearing, Interpreting, Translat... see more

NOTICIAS / NEWS  (“Transfer”, 2015) 1) CONGRESOS / CONFERENCES:   1. First Forlì International Workshop – Corpus-based Interpreting Studies: The State of the Art University of Bologna at Forlì, 7-8 May 2015. see more

NOTICIAS / NEWS  (“Transfer”, 2015) 1) CONGRESOS / CONFERENCES:   1. First Forlì International Workshop – Corpus-based Interpreting Studies: The State of the Art University of Bologna at Forlì, 7-8 May 2015. see more

“Transfer” XII: 1-2 (mayo 2017), pp. 212-225. ISSN: 1886-554 212 NOTICIAS / NEWS (“transfer”, 2017) 1) CONGRESOS / CONFERENCES: 1. 8th Asian Translation Traditions Conference: Conflicting Ideologies and Cultural Mediation – Hearing, Interpreting, Translat... see more

ABBATTISTA, Guido. The Business of Paternoster Row: Towards a Publishing History of the ‘Universal History’ (1736-65). Publishing History, n. 17, p. 5-50, 1985.ABBATTISTA, Guido. Un dibattito settecentesco sulla storia universale (Ricerche sulle traduzioni e sulla circolazione della Universal History). Rivista Storica Italiana. Anno CI, Fascicolo III. Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane, p. 614-695, 1989.ABBATTISTA, Guido. The English Universal History: Publishing, Authorship and Historiography in an European Project (1736-1790). Storia della Storiografia, n. 39, p. 100-105, 2001.ARAÚJO, André de Melo. Weltgeschichte in Göttingen: Eine Studie über das spätaufklärerische universalhistorische Denken, 1756-1815. Bielefeld: transcript, 2012.ARAÚJO, André de Melo. A verdade da crítica. O método históricocrítico de August Ludwig (von) Schlözer e o padrão histórico dos juízos. História da Historiografia, n. 18, p. 93-109, 2015a.ARAÚJO, André de Melo. Imagens da simultaneidade e os impasses da narrativa. O caso da Synopsis historiae universalis (1766) de Johann Christoph Gatterer. Tempo, v. 21, n. 38, p. 1-24, 2015b.ARNOLD, Dana; BENDING, Stephen. Introduction. Tracing Architecture: the aesthetics of antiquarianism. In: ARNOLD, Dana; BENDING, Stephen. (eds.). Tracing Architecture: The Aesthetics of Antiquarianism. Malden: Blackwell, 2003, p. 1-10.AWH – Uebersetzung der Algemeinen Welthistorie. Halle: J. J. Gebauer, 1744-1814.BURKE, Peter. Images as Evidence in Seventeenth-Century Europe. Journal of the History of Ideas.v. 64, n. 2, p. 273-296, 2003.CONRAD, Marcus. Geschichte(n) und Geschäfte: Die Publikation der ‘Allgemeinen Welthistorie’ im Verlag Gebauer in Halle (1744-1814). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2010.FEATHER, John. The British Book Market, 1600-1800. In: ELIOT, Simon; ROSE, Jonathan (eds.). A Companion to the History of the Book. Malden: Blackwell, 2007, p. 232-246.GRIGGS, Tamara. Universal History from Counter- Reformation to Enlightenment. Modern Intellectual History, n. 4,v. 2, p. 219-247, 2007.HUA – Histoire Universelle depuis le commencement du monde jusqu’à present. A Amsterdam et A Leipzig. Arkstée et Merkus, 1747.HUH – Histoire Universelle, depuis le commencement du monde, jusqu’a présent. A la Haye: Adrien Moetjens, 1738.KILLIUS, Christina. Die Antiqua-Fraktur Debatte um 1800 und ihre historische Herleitung. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 1999.LALLA, Maria Grazia. Monuments and Texts: Antiquarianism and the beauty of antiquity. In: ARNOLD, Dana; BENDING, Stephen (eds.). Tracing Architecture: The Aesthetics of Antiquarianism. Malden: Blackwell, 2003, p. 11-29.LAURO, Giacomo. Splendore Dell’Antica E Moderna Roma... Fei: Roma, 1641.LINK, Anne-Marie. Engraved Images, the Visualization of the Past, and Eighteenth-Century Universal History. Lumen,v. 25, p. 175-195, 2006.MAURER, Kathrin. Visualizing the Past: The Power of Image in the German Historicism. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013.MILLER, Peter N. Major Trends in European Antiquarianism, Petrach to Peiresc. In: RABASA, José; SATO, Masayuki;TORTAROLO, Edoardo;WOOLF, Daniel (orgs.). The Oxford History of Historical Writing.v. 3: 1400-1800. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012, p. 244-260.MONTFAUCON, Bernard de. L’antiquité expliquée et representée em figures. A Paris: F. Delaulne…, 1719.MÜLLER, Jan-Dirk. Evidentia und Medialität. Zur Ausdifferenzierung von Evidenz in der Frühen Neuzeit. In: WIMBÖCK, Gabriele;LEONHARD, Karin;FRIEDRICH, Markus (orgs.). Evidentia: Reichweiten visueller Wahrnehmung in der Frühen Neuzeit. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2007, p. 59-84.OZ-SALZBERGER, Fania. Enlightenment, National Enlightenment, and Translation. In: GARRETT, Aaron (ed.). The Routledge Companion to Eighteenth Century Philosophy. London/New York: Routledge, 2014, p. 31-61.PANVINIO, Onofrio. Onuphrii Panvinii Veronensis, De ludis circensibus, libri II. Venetiis: J.B. 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Neste artigo apresentam-se as funções que se pode atribuir às imagens que acompanham – e necessariamente integram – os volumes de uma obra paradigmática da produção historiográfica iluminista, a Universal History e suas traduções europeias. Apesar do dest... see more

Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen anmelder: Nicolaus Steno. Biography and Original Papers of a 17th Century Scientist.Edited and Translated by Troels Kardel and Paul Maquet, Springer,Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London, New York 2013, 739 sider, ill., ISBN978-3-642-250... see more

In this article we will focus on the Old Testament biblical scenes (neither the preliminary miniatures that illustrate the bible's commission, nor the marginalia) with exclusive attention to the representation of the divinity, since we consider that it is... see more

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