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The work analyzes the scientific works of foreign and domestic scientists over the past 10 years, devoted to the study of buccal epithelium in various pathological conditions. It has been established that the BE study is becoming more popular because it i... see more

Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) are immune components found in a variety of pathological states. It has been shown to have either beneficial or harmful implications, depending on how it is controlled and has been particularly observed in three major... see more

Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) are immune components found in a variety of pathological states. It has been shown to have either beneficial or harmful implications, depending on how it is controlled and has been particularly observed in three major... see more

Original ArticleLinzhen Zhu1, Linlin Zhu2, Weihua Yu3ABSTRACTObjectives: The paper uses image stitching algorithm to understand the clinical and pathological characteristics of gastric polyps under gastroscope, and provides objective basis for the clinica... see more

Ecografía Abdominal: utilidad en el estudio imagenológico integral del paciente pediátrico con hipertensión portal / Abdominal Sonography: its use in a comprehensive imaging study in pediatric patients suffering from Portal HypertensionEcografía Abdominal: utilidad en el estudio imagenológico integral del paciente pediátrico con hipertensión portal / Abdominal Sonography: its use in a comprehensive imaging study in pediatric patients suffering from Portal HypertensionLa hipertensión portal pediátrica (HTP) representa un problema de salud en Cuba, por esta razón se realizó una investigación aplicada, descriptiva, explicativa, longitudinal, prospectiva en el Hospital Pediátrico Provincial Docente "Pepe Portilla", durante los años 2006-2007. El objetivo consiste en demostrar la utilidad de la ecografía abdominal en el diagnóstico, evolución y pronóstico de estos pacientes. El universo y muestra estuvo representado por pacientes de ambos sexos y todas las etnias, con diagnóstico confirmado de HTP. Las variables analizadas fueron la edad, sexo, antecedentes patológicos, síntomas y los signos más frecuentes, hallazgos obtenidos por ultrasonido abdominal convencional y ecografía Doppler, y evolución ecográfica. Los resultados obtenidos fueron: predominó el sexo masculino, distribución entre grupos de edades homogénea, más de la mitad de los pacientes presentaron antecedentes de cateterismo umbilical en el período neonatal, entre los síntomas y signos se destacaron: dolor abdominal, sangramiento digestivo alto y esplenomegalia, los hallazgos más frecuentemente encontrados en la ecografía convencional fueron: visceromegalia, alteraciones de la ecoestructura hepática, circulación colateral y alteraciones del sistema porta, que sobresalieron en el ultrasonido Doppler, respecto a la evolución ecográfica predominó el grupo de los pacientes que se mantuvieron estables. Palabras clave: ultrasonografía, hipertensión portal. ABSTRACT Pediatric Portal Hypertension (PPH) is a health problem in Cuba; that is why an applied, descriptive, explanatory, longitudinal and prospective research was carried out at "Pepe Portilla" Children Teaching Hospital during 2006-2007.  Objective: To demonstrate the usefulness of the abdominal Sonography in the diagnosis, natural history and prognosis of these patients. The universe and sample was comprised of both-sexes, and all ethnic patients having a confirmed diagnosis of PPH. Age, sex, pathological records, most frequent symptoms, signs, findings through conventional abdominal ultrasound, Doppler Sonography and sonographic evolution were the variables analyzed. Results showed: male sex prevailed, homogeneous distribution among the group of ages, more than the half of patients presented history of umbilical catheterization during neonatal period, among the symptoms: abdominal pain, upper digestive bleeding and spleen enlargement stood out; the most frequent findings were: splanchnomegaly,  alterations of the liver echostructure, collateral circulation and alterations of the portal system, which was notable with Doppler ultrasound; the group of patients presenting stable conditions prevailed regarding sonographic progress. Key words: ultrasonography, Portal hypertension.

ABSTRACT Pediatric Portal Hypertension (PPH) is a health problem in Cuba; that is why an applied, descriptive, explanatory, longitudinal and prospective research was carried out at "Pepe Portilla" Children Teaching Hospital during 2006-2007.  Obje... see more

The article analyzed dates of the usefulness of proteinograms as a clinical diagnostic test at dysproteinemia in age aspect. Established that proteinograms has  differences that depending on age, so these aspects should be considered in the diagnosis... see more

Bacterial vaginosis is one of the most common types of infectious pathology of the reproductive organs of women mainly in reproductive age. The frequency of bacterial vaginosis over the past decade has doubled, ranging from 26% to 40-45%. Until now, the l... see more

Background: Pathological fracture complications such as impaired clinical features is suspected to increase the mortality in MBD. In Indonesia, the habit of delayed seeking of medical treatment was common and potentially led to pathological fracture. Aim... see more

1 of 7.229 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»