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A scenario is presented in which a wife’s request for religious reasons, and in accordance with her husband’s wishes, that her husband not be given a potentially life-saving blood transfusion was ignored by the doctors. Her husband subsequently died. The ... see more

Distrofia muscular de Duchenne. A propósito de un caso / Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. About a case Distrofia muscular de Duchenne. A propósito de un caso / Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. About a case Las Distrofias Musculares Progresivas comprometen de forma grave e irreversible la musculatura esquelética del organismo humano, dentro de ellas la más frecuente es la Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne, trastorno genético ligado al cromosoma X, que afecta a los niños, principalmente, masculinos. Se describe el caso de un niño, con antecedentes patológicos familiares y cuadro clínico de Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne, que la familia desconocía el carácter hereditario de la misma. Se realizó la extracción de ADN a partir de la saliva, cuyo estudio molecular confirmó el diagnóstico de este trastorno. En las distrofinopatías es importante realizar el diagnóstico precoz para poder prevenir el avance y complicaciones de la enfermedad, brindando a la familia el asesoramiento para el cuidado del paciente, así como la posibilidad de estudio y el consejo genético que les permita una adecuada planificación familiar. Palabras clave: Distrofia Muscular Congénita; Distrofía Muscular Duchenne.ABSTRACT  The Progressive Muscular Distrofias commits in a serious and irreversible way the skeletal musculature of the human organism, inside them the Muscular Distrofia of Duchenne (DMD) it is the most frequent and it constitutes a bound genetic dysfunction to the chromosome X that affects mainly masculine children.  The case of a boy is described, with family pathological antecedents and clinical square of Muscular Distrofia of Duchenne that the family ignored the hereditary character of the same one. He was carried out the extracciòn of DNA starting from the saliva whose molecular study confirmed the diagnosis of DMD.  In the distrofinopatías it is important to carry out the precocious diagnosis for r to prevent the advance and complications of the illness, offering to the family the advice for the patient’s care, as well as the study possibility and genetic advice that it allows them an appropriate family planning.Keywords: Congenital Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne Muscular, Dystrophy.

ABSTRACT  The Progressive Muscular Distrofias commits in a serious and irreversible way the skeletal musculature of the human organism, inside them the Muscular Distrofia of Duchenne (DMD) it is the most frequent and it constitutes a bound genetic dy... see more

Aravind Adiga, a great exponent of Indian writing in English, had successfully highlighted the marginalized and subaltern issue in his very first novel The White Tiger (2008). He has tried to bring home the idea that in the story of India’s progress, role... see more

Nowadays, food and food industry has become one of the most important sectors for manufacturers and consumers.  Many countries of the world including Turkey have been developed and implemented many standards for food safety and presentation of food t... see more

Radiographic examination was used to support the clarification of a diagnosis and was widely used in dentistry. Besides the benefit, X-ray examination could also harm the operator, the patient, and the environment and this hazard unfortunately was often i... see more

Distrofia muscular de Duchenne. A propósito de un caso / Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. About a case Distrofia muscular de Duchenne. A propósito de un caso / Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. About a case Las Distrofias Musculares Progresivas comprometen de forma grave e irreversible la musculatura esquelética del organismo humano, dentro de ellas la más frecuente es la Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne, trastorno genético ligado al cromosoma X, que afecta a los niños, principalmente, masculinos. Se describe el caso de un niño, con antecedentes patológicos familiares y cuadro clínico de Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne, que la familia desconocía el carácter hereditario de la misma. Se realizó la extracción de ADN a partir de la saliva, cuyo estudio molecular confirmó el diagnóstico de este trastorno. En las distrofinopatías es importante realizar el diagnóstico precoz para poder prevenir el avance y complicaciones de la enfermedad, brindando a la familia el asesoramiento para el cuidado del paciente, así como la posibilidad de estudio y el consejo genético que les permita una adecuada planificación familiar. Palabras clave: Distrofia Muscular Congénita; Distrofía Muscular Duchenne.ABSTRACT  The Progressive Muscular Distrofias commits in a serious and irreversible way the skeletal musculature of the human organism, inside them the Muscular Distrofia of Duchenne (DMD) it is the most frequent and it constitutes a bound genetic dysfunction to the chromosome X that affects mainly masculine children.  The case of a boy is described, with family pathological antecedents and clinical square of Muscular Distrofia of Duchenne that the family ignored the hereditary character of the same one. He was carried out the extracciòn of DNA starting from the saliva whose molecular study confirmed the diagnosis of DMD.  In the distrofinopatías it is important to carry out the precocious diagnosis for r to prevent the advance and complications of the illness, offering to the family the advice for the patient’s care, as well as the study possibility and genetic advice that it allows them an appropriate family planning.Keywords: Congenital Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne Muscular, Dystrophy.

ABSTRACT  The Progressive Muscular Distrofias commits in a serious and irreversible way the skeletal musculature of the human organism, inside them the Muscular Distrofia of Duchenne (DMD) it is the most frequent and it constitutes a bound genetic dy... see more

The image of a child with his head stuck between the railings of a banister greets us as we meet the Jellyby children in Dickens’s Bleak House (1852). Ignored by Mrs. Jellyby’s “telescopic philanthropy,” her children are a bit like children of our own day... see more

Learning media is important in the learning process. However, in use it is often ignored by teachers for various reasons. This community service activity aims to provide assistance to train PAUD teachers in making interactive learning media. The community... see more

Writing in English is often regarded as the most difficult of the four English language skills. Feedback is considered an essential component of the writing process as it helps students improve their writing skills. There is a general agreement that waiti... see more

1 of 159 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»