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Organizational citizenship behavior(OCB) and Proactive Environmental strategy are voluntary, organizatiomally desirable action that are not part of the employee’s formal job requirements but they are essential for organizatioms to remain competitive. &nbs... see more

Babienko V. V. The issues of environmental safety in the conditions of Eastern-Ukrainian war conflict. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(5):487-495. ISSN 2391-8306. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.18167 see more

RESUMENCon el objetivo de profundizar en la preparación de losestudiantes de la carrera de Medicina en la Filial deCiencias Médicas de Bayamo, se procedió a la realizaciónde cuatro talleres de índole pedagógica, dos dirigidos a los estudiantes y dos a doc... see more

Diagnóstico ambiental de la Escuela Latinoamérica de Medicina / Environmental diagnosis of the Latin American School of Medicine Diagnóstico ambiental de la Escuela Latinoamérica de Medicina / Environmental diagnosis of the Latin American School of MedicineObjetivo: socializar los resultados del diagnóstico ambiental aplicado a la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina.Materiales y métodos: el estudio empleó técnicas como la observación científica, entrevistas y encuestas que permitieron diagnosticar el estado del medio ambiente e identificar los principales problemas ambientales de la universidad. Los resultados permitieron caracterizar el estado del medio ambiente y la inserción de la dimensión ambiental en los procesos sustantivos.Resultados: en la actualidad son cada vez más los Centros de Educación Superior y Universidades de Ciencias Médicas que encaminan sus esfuerzos al logro del desarrollo sostenible. Para ello se debe trabajar en la identificación de los impactos que su desempeño genera al ambiente y en la búsqueda de vías para su solución.Conclusiones: los resultados del diagnóstico ambiental realizado en la ELAM, permitió identificar los principales problemas ambientales. Entre ellos se encuentran la contaminación de las aguas del mar por vertimiento de desechos líquidos, mal manejo de residuales sólidos y la insuficiente gestión de inves-tigaciones y postgrados relacionados con la temática.ABSTRACTObjetive: to socialize the results of the environmental diagnosis applied to the Latin American School of Medicine.Materials and methods: The study used techniques such as scientific observation, interviews and surveys that allowed to diagnose the state of the environment and identify the main environmental problems of the university. The results allowed us to characterize the state of the environment and the insertion of the environmental dimension in the substantive processes.Results: Nowadays there are more and more Higher Education Centers and Medical Sciences Universities that direct their efforts towards the achievement of sustainable development. To do this, work must be done to identify the impacts that its performance generates on the environment and in the search for ways to solve it.Conclusions: The results of the environmental diagnosis carried out in the ELAM, allowed to identify the main environmental problems. Among them are the contamination of the waters of the sea by dumping of liquid waste, poor management of solid waste and the insufficient management of research and postgraduate courses related to the subject.Keywords: environmental diagnosis; environmental dimension; universities.

Materiales y métodos: el estudio empleó técnicas como la observación científica, entrevistas y encuestas que permitieron diagnosticar el estado del medio ambiente e identificar los principales problemas ambientales de la universidad. Los resultados permit... see more

According to the WHO the pathology of the urinary system affects the population of different ages and averages 10 % of the total population in the world. Today, in the domestic healthcare system there are about 500 thousand patients with chronic kidn... see more

Tudorowska Malwina. Problematyka medycyny psychosomatycznej – od historii do wspólczesnosci = The issue of Psychosomatic Medicine – form history to nowadays. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(6):121-134. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI see more

The purpose of this research is to examine the role of women in environmental management in Myanmar. In Myanmar society, women have a tradition of environmental care. From childhood, young Myanmar girls are trained to undertake work in and around their ho... see more

BACKGROUNDGolden-hour, a time-tested concept for trauma-care, involves a systems approach encompassing healthcare, logistics, geographical, environmental and temporal variables. Golden-hour paradigm in mass-gathering-medicine such as the Hajj-pilgrimage e... see more

The research was performed with the aim of identification the influence of the environmentally factors on the viability of the piglets after farrowing within the swine sector of the Teaching Experimental Station of the University of Agricultural Sciences ... see more

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