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The article deals with foreign languages teaching, namely German, with the help of the Skype communication system. In the XXI century, the use of interactive methods and Internet resources in the educative process is a promising direction for modern educa... see more

The article deals with foreign languages teaching, namely German, with the help of the Skype communication system. In the XXI century, the use of interactive methods and Internet resources in the educative process is a promising direction for modern educa... see more

Propuesta de estrategia metodológica para la asignatura de Inglés en estudiantes de 4to año de Medicina / A proposal of a methodological strategy to the English subject in medical students of 4th academic degreePropuesta de estrategia metodológica para la asignatura de Inglés en estudiantes de 4to año de Medicina / A proposal of a methodological strategy to the English subject in medical students of 4th academic degreeEl dominio del idioma inglés por parte del personal médico cubano ha constituido una preocupación constante de la política educacional para las escuelas de medicina en Cuba. La impartición de la disciplina inglés ha ido evolucionando y sufriendo cambios según se han perfeccionado los planes de estudio de las diferentes carreras, lo cual se ha valorado a través de una revisión bibliográfica. Desde 1970 Cuba está enviando personal médico a los países de América Latina y el Medio Oriente, pero en especial al continente africano, lo que ha obligado a perfeccionar aún más la preparación del personal médico, en especial en el idioma inglés, debido a los requisitos que se precisan para laborar en esos países. Es por ello que la metodología que se utiliza para impartir la docencia de la disciplina de Inglés con propósitos específicos debe perfeccionarse también, buscando métodos y alternativas que enriquezcan el proceso enseñanza - aprendizaje y lo hagan más eficiente, proporcionando herramientas útiles al futuro egresado para su desempeño profesional en el idioma Inglés y también para su propia superación. El presente trabajo brinda un ejemplo de estrategia metodológica aplicada a la asignatura Inglés VII correspondiente al 4to año de la carrera de medicina, lo cual enriquecerá el desarrollo del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje en ese nivel, contribuyendo al desarrollo eficaz de las habilidades lingüísticas del estudiante y con el objetivo de propiciar una eficaz competencia comunicativa en el futuro egresado.Palabras clave: POLÍTICA DE EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR, ENSEÑANZA, Estrategia, COMUNICACIÓN.ABSTRACTThe mastery of English language by Cuban medical personnel has been a permanent cause of concern for the educational politics in Cuban medical schools. The teaching of English language has evolved and changed together with the improvement of the syllabuses in the different degrees; which has been assessed by means of a literature review. Long since 1970, Cuba is sending medical personnel to Latin-American and Middle Eastern countries, particularly to the African continent, requiring a better preparation of these personnel, specifically in English language. Due to the requirements needed to work in these countries, the methodology in use to teach English language with specific purposes must be also improved seeking for methods and alternatives to enrich teaching-learning process to make it more efficient, providing at the same time useful tools to the future graduates for the professional performances in English as well as self-training. The present paper offers an example of a methodological strategy which is applied to the English language subject taught to the medical students in 4th academic degree; the goal is: to enrich the development of the teaching-learning process in this level, and to contribute to an effective acquisition of linguistic skills to achieve communicative competence in the future graduate.Key words: HIGHER EDUCATION POLICY, TEACHING, STRATEGY, COMMUNICATION.

ABSTRACTThe mastery of English language by Cuban medical personnel has been a permanent cause of concern for the educational politics in Cuban medical schools. The teaching of English language has evolved and changed together with the improvement of the s... see more

The article analyses domestic and foreign literary sources devoted to certain aspects of educational and scientific projects. The author develops the methodology for project designing and its automation algorithm by means of the Microsoft Office Project p... see more

The article analyses domestic and foreign literary sources devoted to certain aspects of educational and scientific projects. The author develops the methodology for project designing and its automation algorithm by means of the Microsoft Office Project p... see more

The article attempts to summarize the key approaches to the formation of competitiveness of future IT specialists by means of information and communication technologies. The theoretical aspects of a specialist's competitiveness are presented in the form o... see more

The process of reorganization of the application of Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, the moratorium of civil servants and the limited quota of participants on attending education and training leads to two factors of job satisfaction, ... see more

The purpose of the work is an investigation of cloud services Office 365, as a means of student's research work implementation and coordination. The basis of considering the students’ research organization by means of Office 365 is the analysis of the psy... see more

The article presents the problem of forming professional competence of the students of higher educational institutions while teaching science of law. By means of studying and analyzing science and methodical literature the concepts “competence” and “profe... see more

1 of 21.390 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»