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Rainfall event is a stochastic process, so to explain and analyze this processes the probability theory and frequency analysisare used. There are four types of probability distributions.They are normal, log normal, log Pearson III and Gumbel. To find the ... see more

Log-likelihood and Chi-square tests are probably the most popular statistical tests used in corpus linguistics, especially when the research is aiming to describe the lexical variations between corpora. However, because this specific use of the Chi-square... see more

Cardiovascular disease is a problem in the blood vessels that do not run smoothly into the heart. This is fatal in patients with a history of heart disease. This problem often occurs in the flow of blood pumps into the heart. The problem examined in this ... see more

The question manuscript is a document that contains a collection of exam questions that are commonly used by an educator to test the absorption of their students on the material that has been presented in class. Question manuscripts made by educators are ... see more

Agudizaciones endodónticas al concluir diferentes variantes técnicas de tratamiento pulporadicular / Incidence of endodontic acuteness when concluding the different technical variants in the pulp-radicular treatmentAgudizaciones endodónticas al concluir diferentes variantes técnicas de tratamiento pulporadicular / Incidence of endodontic acuteness when concluding the different technical variants in the pulp-radicular treatmentLas agudizaciones endodónticas constituyen eventos inflamatorios periapicales que se producen durante y después de concluida la terapéutica endodóntica, complicando y tornando más costosos dichos procederes. Para determinar su aparición e intensidad se realizó la presente investigación en la Clínica Estomatológica Docente Provincial "Antonio Briones Montoto" entre septiembre de 2007 y julio de 2008. El muestreo realizado fue de tipo opinático, constituido por 80 casos. Fueron divididos en 4 grupos de 20 casos, aplicándoseles diferentes esquemas de tratamiento. Los datos, recogidos en una planilla, se representaron en las tablas y gráficos en medidas resúmenes para variables cualitativas. Se empleó la estadística descriptiva: pruebas de 2 y K proporciones y la prueba no paramétrica Ji cuadrado. Se pudo constatar que el 17,5% de los casos tratados presentaron algún grado de agudización. El total de casos con agudizaciones resultó significativamente superior con la técnica estandarizada, no hubo diferencias en la aparición de las mismas en tratamientos en una o dos visitas, el mejor esquema de tratamiento empleado fue la técnica cérvico-apical en una sesión y los conductos abiertos al medio bucal el principal factor de riesgo asociado. Palabras clave: endodoncia, enfermedades periapicales, diagnóstico, tratamiento del conducto radicular / métodos. ABSTRACT Endodontic acuteness constitutes periapical inflammatory events that are produced during and after concluding the endodontic therapeutic, complicating and increasing the cost of the dental procedures. This research was aimed at determining their onset and intensity at "Antonio Briones Montoto" Dentist's Teaching Clinic from September 2007 to July 2008. The sampling was based on opinions and with 80 cases that were divided into 4 groups of 20 cases applying different treatment schedules. Data were collected in tables and graphics and in measures summed up to qualitative variables. A descriptive statistics was used: the two tests, K-proportions and the non-parametric chi-square test to compare the categories as well as the relation and homogeneity of the variables respectively. The total of the cases with acuteness resulted significantly higher with the standardized techniques, no differences in number or the intensity of the acuteness in the treatments in one and two sessions were observed, the best schedule of the treatment was the cervical-apical technique in a session. Key words: endodontics, periapical diseases, diagnosis, radicular duct treatment/methods.

ABSTRACT Endodontic acuteness constitutes periapical inflammatory events that are produced during and after concluding the endodontic therapeutic, complicating and increasing the cost of the dental procedures. This research was aimed at determining t... see more

At present the development of the use of social media in Indonesia is very rapid, in Indonesia there are a variety of regional languages, one of which is the Sundanese language, where some people especially those living in West Java use Sundanese language... see more

A comic has its own characteristics compared the other types of books. The difference between comic and other books can be seen from the category o f period, material and physical. Comicand other booksneeded an application o f classification system. Looki... see more

This study aims to find out the results of the analysis of item bias by using Generalized Lord's Chi-square test method on the test instrument of elementary school examination in a sub-district of Gowa Regency, Indonesia. This research is explorative rese... see more

1 of 25.286 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»