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O artigo argumenta que uma apropriação crítica da obra de Oscar Lewis e suas sugestões de estudar a pobreza desde uma perspectiva cultural pode ser útil para uma antropologia urbana preocupada com a pobreza no Brasil atual. Apresenta as perspectivas ética... see more

The issue of understanding, empathy and the relationship to the poor, the socially and economically marginalized segments of most contemporary societies, represents one of the most challenging political socio-economic, humanist, and scientific problems of... see more

Perlahan seni peran tidak lagi menjadi teka-teki yang terbilang rumit untuk dipahami, namun tidak pula mudah untuk dilakukan. Artikel ini bertujuan menelisik bagaimana “sistem” - metode akting yang dirumuskan Stanislavski - berfungsi bagi aktor film, khus... see more

Kemiskinan sudah menjadi permasalahan sosial di berbagai negara berkembang, seperti Indonesia. Kemiskinan sejak lama kerap dijadikan sebagai kebudayaan kemiskinan oleh strata bawah, salah satunya yaitu pengemis. Pada penelitian ini dengan menggunakan stud... see more

ACOSTA, A. Buen Vivir Sumak Kawsay: una oportunidad para imaginar otros mundos. Quito: Abya Yala, 2012. BARCLAY, Federica; SANTOS GRANERO, Fernando. Ordenes y desórdenes en la selva central: Historia y economía de un espacio regional. Lima: IFEA/IEP/FLACSO- Ecuador, 1995. BARLETTI, Juan Pablo Sarmiento. The Pursuit of the “good life” in an Ashaninka Village (Peruvian Amazonia). PhD Thesis: University of St. Andrews, 2011. BARLETTI, Juan Pablo Sarmiento. The Ashaninka of Peru: rescued from Shining Path militants, but still at risk. 2015. In: https://bit. ly/2DRgYwe. Acess: 13 apr. 2017. BARLETTI, Juan Pablo Sarmiento. Questões sobre a política do “Vivir Bien” na Amazônia indígena. Revista de estudos em relações interétnicas, v. 18, n. 1, 2014. BARLETTI, Juan Pablo Sarmiento. Of smoking and well-being in indigenous Amazonia, in A. Russell and E. Rahman (eds.). The Master Plant: Tobacco in Lowland South America. London: Bloomsbury, 2015. BROWN, Michael; FERNÁNDEZ, Eduardo. War of Shadows. The Struggle for Utopia in the Peruvian Amazon, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991. BROWN, Michael. Facing the State, Facing the World: Amazonia’s Native Leaders and the New Politics of Identity. L’Homme, v. 33, p. 307-326, 1993 CARE (Central Ashaninka del Río Ene), Kametsa Asaike: el vivir bien de los Ashaninka del Río Ene, Lima, 2012. CHAKRABATH, Dipesh. Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and Historical Difference. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2008.?COMISIÓN DE LA VERDAD Y RECONCILIACIÓN. Informe Final. Lima, 2003.?CLASTRES, Pierre. Sociedade contra o Estado. São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2013. CRUZ, Lia Mendes. Territórios indígenas e desenvolvimento na Amazônia Central peruana: um olhar sobre a organização política dos Ashaninka do Rio Ene. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Sociais) - Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 2012. CYPHER, J. M. South America’s commodities boom: developmental opportunity or path dependent reversion?. 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Cambios culturales en los Ashaninka desplazados. Amazonia Peruana. v. 13, n. 25, p. 159-76, 1995. FABIAN, Johannes. The Time and the Other: how anthropology makes its object. New York: Columbia University Press, 2002. FAUSTO, Carlos; HECKENBERGER, Michael. Time and memory in indigenous Amazonia: Anthropological perspectives. University Press of Florida, 2007. FRICKER, Miranda. Epistemic Injustice: Power and the Ethics of Knowing. Oxford University Press, 2007. GORRITI, Gustavo. Sendero: Historia de la guerra milenaria en el Perú. Lima: Planeta, 2008. GREENE, Shane. Getting over the Andes: The Geo- Eco-Politics of Indigenous Movements in Peru’s Twenty- First Century Inca Empire. Journal of Latin American Studies, v. 38, n. 2, p. 327-354, 2006. GUMBRECHT, Hans Ulrich. Our Broad Present: Time and Contemporary Culture. New York: Columbia University Press, 2014. GUSTAFSON, Bret. New Languages of the State: Indigenous Resurgence and the Politics of Knowledge in Bolivia. 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O objetivo principal deste texto é entender de que maneira a insistência ameríndia na persistência do passado é parte de uma estratégia política de não repetição. Para tanto, com base em pesquisa etnográfica e revisão bibliográfica, proponho abordar a exp... see more

Let's start by saying that the film The Children of Sanchez (1978), produced and directed by Hall Bartlett, has unique characteristics as an aesthetic object: it originates as anthropological discourse. In its original form, it was conceived and produced ... see more

Se desarrolló una investigación en una parcela sembrada de caña de azúcar de la variedad C-120 en la granja Albio Hernández de la Empresa Azucarera Primero de Enero en la provincia Ciego de Ávila, con el objetivo de calibrar tres modelos de infiltración e... see more

Homenaje a Carmen Olivares: Presentación. ARTICLES MARÍA DEL MAR ASENSIO ARÓSTEGUI“Hlenka Regained: Irony and Ambiguity in the Narrator of Woody Allen's Another Woman” MARÍA ASUNCIÓN BARRERAS GÓMEZ“Doubles, Deceit, and Reflexive Narrative in Two Novels by... see more

Variabilidad espacial de la velocidad de infiltración del agua en el suelo. I. Generación de datosCiencia e Investigación Agraria, Revista latinoamericana en Ciencias de la Agricultura, está indexada en las siguientes bases de datos: Thomson ISI, Alerta a... see more

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