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South Africa


6  Articles
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The Afriforum v Malema 2011 6 SA 240 (EqC) case drew considerable attention in the media and in the public discourse. The purpose of this note is to reflect upon the judgment from a theoretical vantage point. More specifically, by reading the judgment thr... see more

The Afriforum v Malema 2011 6 SA 240 (EqC) case drew considerable attention in the media and in the public discourse. The purpose of this note is to reflect upon the judgment from a theoretical vantage point. More specifically, by reading the judgment thr... see more

EditorialThis voluminous issue consists of 13 articles and 8 notes dealing with various legal topics in South Africa and abroad. The articles commences with Ig Rautenbach’s discussion of the ever-elusive concept of proportionality in the light o... see more

AbstractThe Afrikaner civil rights organisation AfriForum argued, following a parliamentary adoption of land expropriation without compensation, that there is no history of Native South Africans having occupied every inch of the country that they now clai... see more

EditorialThis voluminous issue consists of 13 articles and 8 notes dealing with various legal topics in South Africa and abroad. The articles commences with Ig Rautenbach’s discussion of the ever-elusive concept of proportionality in the light o... see more

Brandon Huntley was granted asylum in Canada earlier this year based on the argument that whites are disproportionately affected by crime in South Africa. The decision was generally condemned, but it did receive support from various groups and individuals... see more

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