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Hiperentorno de aprendizaje de Estadística no paramétrica /Learning Hierarchy of Non-Parametric Statistics Hiperentorno de aprendizaje de Estadística no paramétrica /Learning Hierarchy of Non-Parametric StatisticsObjetivo: describir el hiperentorno de aprendizaje sobre la estadística no paramétrica para la enseñanzapostgraduada.Material y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo para la revisión de la documentación existente relativa a las herramientas que permite la creación de software educativo y de los hiperentornos y su desempeño en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la estadística no paramétrica.Resultados: se confeccionó el hiperentorno de Estadística no Paramétrica, en el que se organizaron los documentos utilizando herramientas avanzadas que proporciona el Crheasoft, como apoyo al proceso enseñanza aprendizaje.Conclusiones: el software educativo que se elaboró de Estadística no Paramétrica constituye una aplicacióninformática, que soporta una adecuada estrategia pedagógica, el cual apoya directamente el proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje y constituye un efectivo instrumento para el desarrollo educacional de los postgrados en la ELAM.Entre los elementos necesarios que conforman el software educativo de estadística no paramétrica están ejercicios variados, ejemplos vinculado a la medicina, glosario, palabras calientes, programa de la asignatura, presentaciones electrónicas, libros y materiales digitalizados referidos a la temática, que contribuyen a un mejor desarrollo del postgrado propuesto.ABSTRACTObjective: Describe the learning hyperenhority on nonparametric statistics for postgraduate education.Material and methods: A descriptive study was carried out to review the existing documentation related to thetools that allow the creation of educational software and the hyper-environments and their performance in the teaching-learning processes of non-parametric statistics.Results: The hyperenhority of nonparametric statistics was prepared, in which the documents were organized using advanced tools provided by Crheasoft, in support of the teaching-learning process.Conclusions: The educational software that was developed for non-parametric statistics constitutes a computer application that supports an adequate pedagogical strategy, which directly supports the teaching-learning process and constitutes an effective instrument for the educational development of postgraduates in ELAM. Among the necessary elements that make up the educational software of non-parametric statistics are varied exercises, examples linked to medicine, glossary, hot words, program of the subject, electronic presentations, books and digitized materials related to the subject, which contribute to a better development of the proposed postgraduate.Keywords: learning hypersorption; non-parametric statistics. 

postgraduada.Material y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo para la revisión de la documentación existente relativa a las herramientas que permite la creación de software educativo y de los hiperentornos y su desempeño en los procesos de enseñanza-... see more

Trata da inclusão digital e sua articulação com os processos de inclusão social como condição para a competitividade na nova economia. Considera que a globalização impõe às sociedades novas pautas de comportamento e configura novos mercados de consumo, in... see more

In this article, the author raises the problem of digital transformation as one of the world trends. The article deals with one of the key competences of a modern citizen - digital competence. The author analyzes the contemporary scientific literature for... see more

In this article, the author raises the problem of digital transformation as one of the world trends. The article deals with one of the key competences of a modern citizen - digital competence. The author analyzes the contemporary scientific literature for... see more

Aim. Foreign language education widely utilizes various forms of eLearning or blended learning techniques and tools, and this trend has recently been supported and speeded up by the global pandemics of COVID-19. The study attempts to analyse the students’... see more

AbstractDigital literacy is a fundamental competency that must be mastered in the 21st century. Digital literacy skills are the key to presenting interesting, interactive, actual, and factual learning. Therefore, efforts to improve the digital literacy ab... see more

The use of mobile computing devices has become an integral part of virtually every aspect of our personal and professional life, and education is no exception to this paradigm. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) strategies are becoming increasingly prevalent in... see more

This paper presents results of research on the insertion of Digital Technologies in the Mathematics classes in the final years of Elementary School, in the Board of Education of São José do Rio Preto. For this purpose, we initially introduced the Project ... see more

The objective of this study is to discuss affordances in foreign language (L2) teacher education in the digital age. With that aim, some pedagogical interventions were carried out in the course of “Supervised Internship” within the context of the Undergra... see more

1 of 3.894 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»