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Background: Most aggressive benign bone tumours are treated surgically by an intralesional excision and bone defect filling. The primary aim of our study was to evaluate prognostic factors of recurrence after an intralesional excision of a benign bone tum... see more

Objective. To study and assess the rates and degree of severity of early and late radiation complications in patients after application of preoperative radiation therapy in complex treatment of the patients, suffering cancer recti.Materials and methods. A... see more

The optimal management of local recurrences after primary resection of pancreatic cancer still remains to be clarified. A 58-yearold woman developed an isolated recurrence of pancreatic cancer six year after distal pancreatectomy. Re-resection was attempt... see more

Infectious-inflammatory diseases of the vagina (vaginitis) are a problem with serious social and economic consequences around the world. Vaginitis varies depending on their origin; they are divided into infectious and non-infectious. Non-infectious vagini... see more

Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans: Presentación De Caso Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans: Presentación De CasoIntroducción: El dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans es un sarcoma maligno de tejidos blandos poco frecuente. Representa menos del 0,1 % de todas las neoplasias malignas y menos del 1 % de todos los sarcomas de tejidos blandos, con sus múltiples variantes histológicas.Objetivo: Enfatizar en las opciones terapéuticas y reconstructivas disponibles. Método: Se presenta paciente de 59 años de edad con lesión tumoral en región frontal de 11 años de evolución, con 6 reintervenciones quirúrgicas por varias recidivas, ingresa con reporte de patología benigna, resecada con márgenes amplios de seguridad y cierre con colgajo de avance lateral e injerto de piel total complementario. La biopsia de la pieza quirúrgica demostró la existencia de dermatofibrosarcoma protuberante. Discusión: Ante la sospecha de una lesión maligna se deben tener en cuenta los márgenes de seguridad que en este caso oscilan entre 1 a 5 cm. Las cirugías más seguras son la escisión local amplia con márgenes libres de tumor y cirugía micrográfica de Mohs. El cierre de la zona expuesta será decidido de acuerdo a la edad, localización y disponibilidad de técnicas. Cuando existen dudas de resección incompleta de la lesión se prefiere el uso de injerto autólogo de piel.Conclusiones: Este tumor maligno, aunque infrecuente, puede presentarse en los pacientes de cirugía plástica que buscan su cura con la menor secuela deformante posible. Corresponde al cirujano reconstructivo tener conocimiento de esta entidad y sus opciones terapéuticas, para ofrecer el mejor resultado estético con el menor índice de recidiva.Introduction: Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans is a rare malignant soft tissue sarcoma. It represents less than 0.1% of all malignant neoplasms and less than 1% of all soft tissue sarcomas, with its multiple histological variants.Objective: to emphasize the therapeutic and reconstructive options available. Method: We present a 59-year-old patient with a tumor lesion in the frontal region of 11 years of evolution, with 6 reoperations due to several recurrences, admitted with a report of benign pathology, resected with wide safety margins and closure with lateral advancement flap and complementary total skin graft. The biopsy of the surgical specimen demonstrated the existence of protuberant dermatofibrosarcoma. Discussion: When a malignant lesion is suspected, the safety margins must be taken into account, which in this case range from 1 to 5 cm. The safest surgeries are wide local excision with tumor-free margins and Mohs micrographic surgery. The closure of the exposed area will be decided according to age, location and availability of techniques. When there are doubts about incomplete resection of the lesion, the use of an autologous skin graft is preferred.Conclusions: this malignant tumor, although infrequent, can occur in plastic surgery patients who seek its cure with the least possible deforming sequela. It is the responsibility of the reconstructive surgeon to have knowledge of this entity and its therapeutic options, to offer the best aesthetic result with the lowest rate of recurrence.

Meningiomas are the most common benign brain tumors. Malignant meningioma is a rare subtype with a high recurrence rate and poor prognosis. Most meningiomas grow intracranially, whereas extracranial growth of meningiomas has been rarely reported. We herei... see more

ABSTRACTThis paper contemplates the deepening of a research conducted by the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (SEBRAE) during the 26th Anprotec Conference held in Fortaleza, state of Ceará, in the year of 2016. The research included a me... see more

1 of 8.241 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»